Kursplan fastställd 2021-02-26 av programansvarig (eller motsvarande).
- Engelskt namnData Management
- KurskodDAT335
- Omfattning7,5 Högskolepoäng
- ÄgareTKITE
- UtbildningsnivåGrundnivå
- HuvudområdeDatateknik, Informationsteknik
- BetygsskalaTH - Mycket väl godkänd (5), Väl godkänd (4), Godkänd (3), Underkänd
Kurstillfälle 1
- Undervisningsspråk Engelska
- Anmälningskod 52122
- Max antal deltagare15
- Sökbar för utbytesstudenterNej
- Endast studenter med kurstillfället i programplan.
Modul | LP1 | LP2 | LP3 | LP4 | Sommar | Ej LP | Tentamensdatum |
0117 Tentamen 4,5 hp Betygsskala: TH | 4,5 hp | ||||||
0217 Inlämningsuppgift 3 hp Betygsskala: UG | 3 hp |
I program
- Philipp Leitner
- Enhetschef, Interaktionsdesign och Software Engineering, Data- och informationsteknik
Grundläggande behörighet för grundnivåSökande med en programregistrering på ett program där kursen ingår i programplanen undantas från ovan krav.
Särskild behörighet
Samma behörighet som det kursägande programmet.Sökande med en programregistrering på ett program där kursen ingår i programplanen undantas från ovan krav.
The course introduces the students to the role of data, information, and knowledge insoftware engineering. The course has two general themes: (1) fundamental concepts
related to data in software engineering; (2) basic principles of database systems as seen
by users, application programmers and database administrators.
Lärandemål (efter fullgjord kurs ska studenten kunna)
Knowledge and understanding- explain the differences between data, information and knowledge,
- explain basic concepts: relational data model, non-relational data model, entity-relationship model, relational database design, relational algebra and the database language SQL
- explain the ideas of distributed and NoSQL databases, and contrast them to the relational model
Skills and abilities
- construct an algorithm for querying and filtering data based on predefined criteria
- manage the process of collecting and representing data in a database
- build a data model (entity-relationship model)
- create database tables, and formulate database queries in SQL
- experiment with data technologies such as big data and open data
- manage and query NoSQL database systems
- assess the quality of data and correctness of data models
- evaluate the applicability of data management techniques for a given purpose, especially with respect to comparing monolithic and distributed, and relational and NoSQL database management systems
The course introduces the student to the role of data, information, and knowledge in software engineering. The course has two general themes: (1) fundamental concepts related to data in software engineering; (2) basic principles of database systems as seen by users, application programmers and database administrators.
The course introduces concepts and techniques related to working with data, information and knowledge, although the focus is mostly on data and information. Techniques related to extraction, representation, modeling, and access , and visualization of data are discussed.
The course then introduces the role of databases and database management systems, covering topics such as algebra and the relational database, logical and physical design of databases, and the use of SQL. This includes programming in SQL, from the perspective of a user querying or modifying an existing database, by a database designer, and by an application programmer invoking SQL from a host language. Further, the student learns to query NoSQL databases, and contrast them to the relational model. The course also covers different data models such as XML, RDF, and JSON.
The teaching consists of lectures, group work, exercises, as well as supervision inconnection to the exercises.
Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems (7th Edition)
Examination inklusive obligatoriska moment
Written exam and assignments.Kursens examinator får examinera enstaka studenter på annat sätt än vad som anges ovan om särskilda skäl föreligger, till exempel om en student har ett beslut från Chalmers om riktat pedagogiskt stöd på grund av funktionsnedsättning.