Course syllabus for Solid mechanics

Course syllabus adopted 2021-02-26 by Head of Programme (or corresponding).


  • Swedish nameHållfasthetslära
  • CodeTME300
  • Credits6 Credits
  • OwnerTKSAM
  • Education cycleFirst-cycle
  • Main field of studyArchitecture and Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • GradingTH - Pass with distinction (5), Pass with credit (4), Pass (3), Fail

Course round 1

  • Teaching language Swedish
  • Application code 58125
  • Open for exchange studentsNo
  • Only students with the course round in the programme overview.

Credit distribution

0116 Examination 4 c
Grading: TH
4 c
0216 Project 2 c
Grading: UG
2 c

In programmes


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General entry requirements for bachelor's level (first cycle)
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Specific entry requirements

The same as for the programme that owns the course.
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Course specific prerequisites

Introductory course in calculus
Linear algebra
Computational mathematics

Recommended pre-knowledge
Buildings functions and design
Building materials 


Solid Mechanics, or Strength of materials, is a basic engineering subject, which is an essential part of the two learning sequences; Science and Load carrying structures, within the curriculum for the engineering education in Civil engineering. The student should be prepared to present basic concept, definitions and relations in solid mechanics as well as being able to solve problems. The course will also prepare the student for coming courses in Geomechanics, Structural engineering and structural mechanics, where basic knowledge in Solid mechanics is crucial.

Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)

  • Combine equilibrium, constitutive relations and compatibilty for solving statically determined and undetermined problems for bars, shafts and beams
  • Derive and solve the differential equations with identified boundary conditions and loads for the bar, shaft and beam (according to first and second order theory)
  • Explain and calculate cross section properties for bars, shafts and beams
  • Calculate (elastic) stress distributions for cross sections loaded by normal force, shear force, bending moment and torque
  • Explain and apply Hooke's law for a linear thermo-elastic material in uniaxial loading
  • Explain and apply Hooke's law for shearing
  • Explain and apply elasic.idealplastic material response for bars, shafts and beams
  • Describe and apply Hooke's generalized law or a linear thermo-elastic material
  • Determine and explain isotropic and anisotropic materials
  • Explain and relate the concepts displacement-axial deformation-normal strain and normal stress-normal force for a bar
  • Explain and relate the concepts shearing, shear stress-torque
  • Identify compatability for system of bars
  • Calculate sectional forces and deformations for simple plane elastic trusses
  • Derive the general equations of equilibrium for a beam and explain their implications on the sectional force ditribution
  • Apply beam deflection formulas for analysis of continuous beams and frames
  • Identify the risk for instability for axially loaded components
  • Calculate the buckling load for a column in compression
  • Explain and calculate principal stresses and principal stress directions for a given stress state
  • Apply yeild and fracture criteria for general stress states
  • Choose relevant states of stress/strain:uniaxial, plane or general
  • Create a finite element model with appropriate boundary conditions for analysis of a plane state of stress/strain by use of commersial FE-software
  • Validate results from a computer simulation by use of known analystical solutions
  • Compare the stress distribution (principal stresses) computed from the beam theory and computed for a plane state of stress (FE analysis)
  • Discuss and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the elastic beam theory versus a (hierarchically higher model ) plane solid model


Definitions and concepts: Normal stress - normal strain, shear stress - shear strain, sectional forces and associated deformations, force-displacement, the three fundamental relations in sold mechanics: equilibrium, constitutive relations and compatibility

Material: Constitutive relations for 1) isotropic linear thermo-elastic material, 2) elastic-idealplastic material, 3) anisotropic material, yield and failure criteria

Structural elements: Axially loaded bars, shafts, beams in plane bending and columns in bending and compression. Euler buckling, yielding of beam cross sections, cross sectional properties, boundary conditions

Structures: Trusses, continuous beams and frames (statically determined and indetermined), boundary conditions

Solids:  General states of stress with the special cases: plane stress and plane strain, principal stresses, application of Hooke's generalized law


The course consists of the following learning activities:
Lectures, tutorials, consultations in class and project work. The compulsory project, running through the whole course, combines theory and its application on a realistic engineering problem. Physical experiments, as well as material testing and computer modelling will be performed in the project.


Course literature will be announced on the course home page before the course start.

Examination including compulsory elements

To pass the course, the following is required:
  • Approved presentation of the project
  • Approved written exam

The course examiner may assess individual students in other ways than what is stated above if there are special reasons for doing so, for example if a student has a decision from Chalmers about disability study support.