Course syllabus for Integrated design and manufacturing

Course syllabus adopted 2024-02-22 by Head of Programme (or corresponding).


  • Swedish nameIntegrerad konstruktion och tillverkning
  • CodePPU175
  • Credits7.5 Credits
  • OwnerTKMAS
  • Education cycleFirst-cycle
  • Main field of studyMechanical Engineering
  • ThemeEnvironment 1.5 c,MTS 2.5 c
  • GradingTH - Pass with distinction (5), Pass with credit (4), Pass (3), Fail

Course round 1

  • Teaching language Swedish
  • Application code 55142
  • Maximum participants150
  • Open for exchange studentsNo
  • Only students with the course round in the programme overview.

Credit distribution

0112 Project 6 c
Grading: TH
3.5 c2.5 c
0212 Examples class 1.5 c
Grading: UG
0.5 c1 c

In programmes



General entry requirements for bachelor's level (first cycle)
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Specific entry requirements

The same as for the programme that owns the course.
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Course specific prerequisites

Basic knowledge in mechanical engineering and product development, mechanics, strengh of materials, material science, manufacturing technology and machine elements corresponding to the courses in the MSc-program in mechanical engineering at Chalmers.


The aim of the project course is to provide possibilities for the students to participate in industry-related product development projects, to train problem-oriented learning and to act in an project environment. The projects have focus on early product development, i.e concept study phases and test and evaluation of physical prototypes or simulation models, and value-based management.

Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)

The project tasks are given by the business community and have industrial relevance. The tasks include the development of a concept proposal that challenges an existing technical solution or satisfies a need that lacks an existing solution. The goal of the project is to provide experience and insights in product development by following a given design methodological process.
After completing the course, students should be able to:

create a project definition by
  • clarifying stakeholders, roles and responsibilities for the team members
  • creating a project goal statement
  • analysing objectives, deliverables and boundaries, milestones and Gantt plans
  • identifying and assessing risks and changes
  • recognize the connection between products and customers by
  • describing lifecycles of products
  • listing customer requirements and demands
  • recognizing Voice of the Customer
Analyse the process of customer value creation by
  • identifying main, additional, supportive and undesired functions of a product
  • creating functional models
  • evaluating commercial position of products and therefore be able to Identify create and choose strategies for further development
  • generate new technical concepts, combine and compare them
Create, test and evaluate the concept by
  • designing technical solutions in CAD
  • describe which design criteria that affect the selection of manufacturing and assembly processes
  • constructing and assemble a prototype
  • evaluating the results from a functional test of the prototype and the targets in the product specification
  • assessing whether the project has succeeded, if not analyse necessary steps; a need for another loop in concept generation.
Argue and defend the developed system at an oral presentation and in a written report.
  • evaluate and criticize other presented solutions
  • identifying ethical implications and dilemmas associated with the development of a new product
  • including ethical and moral principles in decision-making

Work professionally in group work. This also includes:

  • Be able to analyze treatment and interaction in group collaborations from an inclusive perspective.
  • Be able to apply communicative strategies to promote social sustainability.
  • Analyze, make visible and problematize the importance of gender equality aspects in the development of products, processes and systems.
  • Discuss and reflect on gender equality, equality and diversity based on the professional role of engineer.


The projects in the course are industrial product development tasks formulated in cooperation between Chalmers and the local industry. Each problem-oriented study has a clear target and is mainly a theoretical activity focusing on evaluation of alternative solutions and planning of activities and resources needed to demonstrate a concept, e.g., in a vehicle. The project course also involves management of the team, project definition including deliverables, time planning including milestones, risk analysis and group dynamics The project management process used in the projects focuses on how to master the development phase in a project and at the same time creates unrivalled customer value. The Value Model has a holistic view on the product development process. The Value Model may be looked upon as a practical tool that uses several of the modern methods for product development in a structured order. The term Customer Value is a central focus and guides and supports the team in the process. Besides the development of the product and the technical aspects, the Value Model includes the two other important dimensions of a project; the creation and inspiration of the team and the satisfaction of the owner, sponsor and contributor to the project by delivering a product that responds to required expectations. The part of the Project Manager in the process is therefore very clearly defined.


The course includes about 8 lectures and a one day workshop on Value Management in product development. There is one supervised occasion every week. In the course the students work in teams of 5-6 persons supervised by two Chalmers instructors and one company representative. Each group constitutes themselves in an organized and structured way. Every project team needs a Project Manager and a Meeting Manager and all the students in the team should have functioned as both. The project manager s responsibilities are the development of the project and the team, follow-up of the project plan and contact with supervisors, examiner, company contacts etc. The Meeting Manager is responsible for meetings to be held and documented.


Recomended litterature:

"The Value Model" Per Lindstedt och Jan Burenius, Nimba AB, ISBN 91-630-6349-2, "Design for Manufacturing and Assembly" Boothroyd, copied sections. "Process Selection" Swift & Booker, loan from dept of Applied Mechanics "Tillverkningsteknologi" Jarfors mfl., from the course Tillvekningsteknik. "The Mechanical Design Process" Ullman, David G.. "Produktutveckling" Johannesson mfl, recommended (from Ingenjörsmetodik M1).

Examination including compulsory elements

In order to obtain a final grade in the course, it is required that you have actively been part of a group that has completed the project assignment with approved results. Grading scale TH is applied. Attendance at the following mandatory elements (and in some cases by writing a reflection report) is required:

  • Guest lectures
  • Project start
  • Reconciliation of requirements specification
  • Exercises in written / oral presentation, in groups
  • Presentation of finished product and opposition
  • Feedback on presentations
  • Group dynamics exercise
  • Presentation of concept
  • Presentations of the PU master's concept presentations

Two presentations must be made by each group. At the first presentation, the choice of conceptual solution must be presented and justified. The intended target group is a steering group for the project (ie those who finance the project). The goal is to get the go-ahead to move forward with the project. The audience will provide written feedback from this perspective. Group feedback on the oral presentation and the presentation itself is given. At the second presentation, the final solution must be presented from a user perspective. Group feedback on the oral presentation is given. The grades here are either failed or approved.


The group makes eight interim reports during the course, divided into a number of submissions. These submissions are reviewed by spirit students with so-called Peer review (constructive criticism of the report). A final report focusing on the results is submitted at the end of the course. The group's grades are based on both the interim reports and the final report. Each student's individual grade is based on the group grade and on the feedback provided in the Peer review.


The project manager must report to the supervisor no later than one week after each supervision opportunity. The reporting takes place through a short oral (5-10min) and a written report (max 1 A4). The graphic presentation of the choice of concept solution (which is presented orally) must be submitted. A written report must be submitted on time and approved by the supervisor. Instructions for drafting the report are given in the appendix.


Graded grading is applied with grading scales U, G (= 3), 4 and 5. The grade is a weighting of several partial grades that are set continuously during the course.

The course examiner may assess individual students in other ways than what is stated above if there are special reasons for doing so, for example if a student has a decision from Chalmers about disability study support.