Course syllabus for Mechanical performance of engineering materials

Course syllabus adopted 2025-02-19 by Head of Programme (or corresponding).


  • Swedish nameMekanisk prestanda för konstruktionsmaterial
  • CodeMTT100
  • Credits7.5 Credits
  • OwnerMPAEM
  • Education cycleSecond-cycle
  • Main field of studyMechanical Engineering
  • GradingTH - Pass with distinction (5), Pass with credit (4), Pass (3), Fail

Course round 1

  • Teaching language English
  • Application code 09127
  • Open for exchange studentsYes

Credit distribution

0111 Examination, part A 6 c
Grading: TH
6 c
0211 Laboratory, part B 1.5 c
Grading: UG
1.5 c

In programmes



General entry requirements for Master's level (second cycle)
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Specific entry requirements

English 6 (or by other approved means with the equivalent proficiency level)
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Course specific prerequisites

Basic course in Materials technology or similar


The course treats the mechanical behaviour and performance of different material classes and testing methods used to evaluate these. The course will be focused on metals, but polymers, composites and ceramics will also be included.

Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)

1. Understand stress and strain concepts on global scale within a component and on local scale as affected by defects, microstructure and cracks. 2. Apply knowledge of underlying mechanisms to describe the monotonic deformation response of materials, elasticity, monotonic plasticity and fracture including effects of time, strain rate and temperature. 3. Apply knowledge of underlying mechanisms to describe the response of ductile metals to cyclic mechanical loading, including cyclic plastic deformation, crack initiation and propagation. 4. Explain how different fracture processes give rise to different fracture surface topographies and, vice versa, to explain how a component has fractured after analysis of fracture surfaces and loading conditions. 5. Describe key concepts of important test methods and standards for mechanical evaluation. 6. Analyse and interpret results from mechanical tests and describe material behaviour using simple material models. 7. Take an active role in discussions on materials selection of load bearing components. 8. Analyse and communicate methodology and conclusions from material investigations published in scientific literature.


Different techniques for analysis of mechanical behaviour are covered: tensile, bend, hardness, fracture toughness, creep and fatigue testing. Interpretation of results, limitations and correlation with simple physically based or empirical models to rationalise the behaviour are included. Important questions include how fracture has occurred, how the appearance of fracture surfaces can be interpreted (fractography), how measured material properties shall be described and which performance can thus be expected in applications.


  • Lectures
  • Tutorials
  • Laboratory sessions aiming at demonstrating mechanical behaviour of metals under monotonic and cyclic deformation.
  • Case study, where published research articles are read, interpreted, and reported.
  • Literature

    The course is based on the books:

  • Meyers and Chawla, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2nd ed, Cambridge Univ Press 2009.
  • Hosford, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2nd ed, Cambridge Univ Press 2010
  • For certain chapters, handouts from other books are provided as a complement.

    Examination including compulsory elements

  • Written examination
  • Laboratory session reports
  • The course examiner may assess individual students in other ways than what is stated above if there are special reasons for doing so, for example if a student has a decision from Chalmers about disability study support.