Course syllabus adopted 2023-02-06 by Head of Programme (or corresponding).
- Swedish nameOrganisation och ledarskap
- CodeMMS225
- Credits7.5 Credits
- OwnerTSILO
- Education cycleFirst-cycle
- Main field of studyShipping and Marine Technology
- GradingUG - Pass, Fail
Course round 1
- Teaching language Swedish
- Application code 81113
- Open for exchange studentsNo
- Only students with the course round in the programme overview.
Credit distribution
Module | Sp1 | Sp2 | Sp3 | Sp4 | Summer | Not Sp | Examination dates |
0121 Written and oral assignments 7.5 c Grading: UG | 7.5 c |
In programmes
- TKAUT - Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, Year 3 (elective)
- TSILO - International Logistics, Year 2 (compulsory)
- Fredrik Forsman
- Instruktör, Maritime Studies, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
General entry requirements for bachelor's level (first cycle)Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.
Specific entry requirements
The same as for the programme that owns the course.Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.
Course specific prerequisites
The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the subject areas organization and leadership and give an insight into how the knowledge can be applied in a practical context. The student will achieve general knowledge of organization theory, process theory, motivation theory, group dynamics, work environment, leadership and change management, and organizational culture. This will provide the student with knowledge on the individual, group and leadership perspective in organizations.Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)
- Explain how we understand ourselves in relation to how we understand others
- Explain the principles for how people with different backgrounds interact
- Explain the principles of communication to understand and make oneself understood
- Be able to give and receive feedback
- Describe the basis for group dynamics
- Explain basic leadership principles and leadership models
- Explain principles in conflict management
- Apply principles for the difficult conversation / conflict management
- describe and exemplify different organizational theories and organizational forms
- reflect on equality aspects of work organization
- describe organizational and social work environment
- describe organizational culture and learning organization
- apply for the basics of employment law and work environment legislation
- apply for the basics of employment law and work environment legislation
- Theory of how people understand themselves in relation to others and their surroundings
- Communication theory
- Group theories, dynamics and development
- Leadership and change management
- Organizational theory
- Organizational forms
- Motivation theories
- Power and equality
- Decision-making in organizations
- Learning and learning organization
- Organizational and social work environment
- Organizational culture
- Process theories
- Motivation theory
The course is based on lectures, seminars and exercises. The seminars and laboratory work are compulsory and are used to facilitate and deepen the understanding of the material presented at the lectures. Specialists from academia and industry will participate in the course.
The central form of work will be the seminar where it is included to take part of a specific material (text, video or pod) and write a reflective text on the topic that is submitted before the seminar where it is discussed.
Great emphasis will be placed on the art of reasoning based on specific premises. In the seminars, you will be approved if you have presented the material and put a personal reflection on it. The reflection does not have to be in line with what the teacher's opinion is on the issue, as long as the argument for the position is well substantiated and opinions and premises can be clearly distinguished.
Ledarskapsmodellen - Konsten att matcha individuella och organisatoriska förutsättningar, ISBN: 9789144114897, Gerry Larsson, Josi Lundin, Ann Zander.Teamutveckling i teori och praktik, ISBN 9789127147423, Christian Jacobsson, Maria Åkerlund
Jacobsen D.I. och Thorsvik J., "Hur moderna organisationer fungerar", Fjärde upplagan, Studentlitteratur, 2014.
Additional articles.
Examination including compulsory elements
Seminar participation, individual assignments, peer review of assignments and work shop participation constitute the bases for examination.The course examiner may assess individual students in other ways than what is stated above if there are special reasons for doing so, for example if a student has a decision from Chalmers about disability study support.