Course syllabus adopted 2021-02-17 by Head of Programme (or corresponding).
- Swedish nameSimuleringsbaserad hållfasthetslära
- CodeMHA064
- Credits7.5 Credits
- OwnerTKDES
- Education cycleFirst-cycle
- Main field of studyMechanical Engineering, Industrial Design Engineering
- GradingTH - Pass with distinction (5), Pass with credit (4), Pass (3), Fail
Course round 1
- Teaching language Swedish
- Application code 56114
- Open for exchange studentsNo
Credit distribution
Module | Sp1 | Sp2 | Sp3 | Sp4 | Summer | Not Sp | Examination dates |
0121 Written and oral assignments 3 c Grading: UG | 3 c | ||||||
0221 Examination 4.5 c Grading: TH | 4.5 c |
In programmes
- Jim Brouzoulis
- Senior Lecturer, Dynamics, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
General entry requirements for bachelor's level (first cycle)Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.
Specific entry requirements
The same as for the programme that owns the course.Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.
Course specific prerequisites
Mathematics (linear algebra, differential equations and integrals) and mechanics (statics).Aim
The main aim is to give the student a fundamental engineering knowledge about the design of constructions. Therefore an understanding of terminology, methods and limitations used in the engineering discipline strength of materials is needed as well as a capability to solve smaller design problems. Further, it is important to judge whether the solution of the problems are reasonable and to be able to predict function and reliability of constructions.Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)
- understand fundamental quantities such as forces, deformations, stresses, strains, compatibility, critical loads
- understand the importance of constitutive equations and apply elasticity, thermo-elasticity and ideal plasticity
- have knowledge of tensile tests and how these are used to characterize material parameters for the constitutive equations
- evaluate forces, stresses, deformations and strains on structures and components made up of basic elements such as bars and beams
- estimate the risk of failure, in particular due to buckling, fatigue, plastic deformation and fracture
- evaluate and explain the importance of principal stresses and effective stresses
- design and evaluate displacement based models consisting of a combination of basic structural elements such as bars and beams
- understand basic concepts of more advanced topics in solid mechanics, such as finite element simulations, design philosophies, contact mechanics etc.
- perform simple fininte element analyses with industrial software
The course contains the following parts:- example of tensile tests
- determination of deformations, strains, internal forces and stresses for: tension/compression of bars as well as bending of beams
- instability of columns
- constitutive equations such as Hooke's law under uniaxial and multiaxial conditions, thermoelasticity and ideal plasticity
- multiaxial stress and strain conditions; in particular principal stresses and effective stresses
- stresses and strains in thin-walled cylindrical and spherical pressure vessels
- introduction to fatigue
- an overview of more advanced topics in the field of solid mechanics
- stiffness matrices and load vectors for basic structural elements and how these can be assembled into more complex structures
Lectures, tutorials, supervised problem-solving and computer labs.Literature
Determined closer to the the beginning of the startExamination including compulsory elements
Written exam using the computer and scripting for problem-solving.Hand-in assignments.
The course examiner may assess individual students in other ways than what is stated above if there are special reasons for doing so, for example if a student has a decision from Chalmers about disability study support.