Course syllabus for Electric power system for ships and power stations

The course syllabus contains changes
See changes

Course syllabus adopted 2019-02-18 by Head of Programme (or corresponding).


  • Swedish nameElsystem för fartyg och kraftanläggningar
  • CodeLNB727
  • Credits7.5 Credits
  • OwnerTISJL
  • Education cycleFirst-cycle
  • Main field of studyShipping and Marine Technology
  • GradingTH - Pass with distinction (5), Pass with credit (4), Pass (3), Fail

Course round 1

  • Teaching language Swedish
  • Application code 76129
  • Open for exchange studentsNo
  • Only students with the course round in the programme overview.

Credit distribution

0118 Examination, part A 6 c
Grading: TH
6 c
  • 29 Okt 2020 pm L
  • 04 Jan 2021 am J
  • 23 Aug 2021 pm L
0218 Laboratory, part B 1.5 c
Grading: UG
1.5 c

In programmes


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General entry requirements for bachelor's level (first cycle)
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Specific entry requirements

The same as for the programme that owns the course.
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Course specific prerequisites

Knowledge and skills corresponding to the learning outcomes of the following courses:

SSY032 Electrical systems


The aim of the course is to give general insights in and knowledge of the electrical equipment that is used in production and maritime industries.

Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)

Describe an electric power system on a ship during normal operation conditions including the function of individual parts and the operation based on voltage and frequency control.
Briefly describe the Swedish power system with focus on electricity production
Apply relevant international and national laws and regulations.
Calculate cable areas according to the regulations for different cabling in a naval network and select the appropriate overcurrent protection.
Describe and model different transformer types as well as calculate voltages, currents, power for loaded transformers.
Explain the structure of synchronous and asynchronous machines as well as model the machines in stationary mode.
Calculate speed, current, voltage, power and torque at different loads for both synchronous and asynchronous machines, based on their equivalent model.
Execute a synchronization of a synchronous machine to a three-phase network and explain the functions when generating active and reactive power.
Describe the function and execute parallel operation of synchronous generators in a ship-like power grid at different load conditions.
Describe different start and speed control methods for asynchronous motors and calculate starting currents for the different methods.
Calculate DC quantities for different rectifiers and frequency converters as well as describe its operation and interaction with electric machines.
Calculate short-circuit currents for balanced faults and describe the consequences of short-circuit currents with focus on mechanical and thermal stresses.
Describe the principle of a insulation monitoring system.
Perform fault localization in a ship-like electrical system.
Relate to the risks involved in the operation of high voltage equipment
Apply regulations for high voltage installations, work environment and safety on board ships and with associated equipment connected on land
Describe monitoring and operations of high voltage equipment
Describe the working procedure in and in the vincintiy of high voltage equipment
Describe the principles for grounding of high voltage equipment
Describe the risks and damages that may result from improper handling in and in the vincinty to high voltage equipment
Describe the risks involved in connecting and disconnecting high voltage equipment
Describe the damage that can occur at work in and in the vincinty to high voltage equipment.


The course consists mainly of the following parts:
 1. Electric machines such as synchronous and asynchronous machine but also the transformer.
 2. System aspects in smaller electric power systems
 3. International regulations and regulations for marine applications
 4. High voltage and work with and close to high voltage equipment


The course includes lectures, exercises, hand-in assignments and laboratory work.
The course includes learning outcomes for the competence STCW A-III/6 (Electro Technical Officer).


A. Alfredsson & K A Jacobsson, Elkrafthandboken Elmaskiner, Upplaga 3, ISBN: 9789147114375 2016
Grundläggande Elteknik För Sjöingenjörer Kompendium
Grundläggande Elteknik För Sjöingenjörer Övningsuppgifter (Övningskompendiet)
Extra Assignments

Examination including compulsory elements

Part A The examination is based on the written exam, hand-in assignments
Part B Approved laboratory work

The final grade is based on the written exam. 


  • A-III/2 Operation, surveillance, performance assessment and maintaining safety of propulsion plant and auxiliary machinery: Practical knowledge
    Also in course:LET684,SJO062,SJO547,SJO845,
  • A-III/2 Plan and schedule operation: Theoretical knowledge
  • A-III/6 Maintain and repair automation and control systems of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery
    Also in course:LET684,
  • A-III/6 Maintain and repair electrical, electronic and control systems of deck machinery and cargo handling equipment
    Also in course:LEU751,
  • A-III/6 Monitor the operation of electrical, electronic and control systems
    Also in course:LEU744,SJO556,SJO701,SSY036,
  • A-III/6 Operate and maintain power systems in excess of 1,000 Volts
    Also in course:LET684,
  • A-III/6 Operate generators and distribution systems
    Also in course:
  • A-III/7 Contribute to monitoring the operation of electrical systems and machinery
    Also in course:SJO114,SJO556,SSY033,SSY036,
  • A-III/7 Contribute to the maintenance and repair of electrical systems and machinery on board
    Also in course:LET684,SSY033,

The course syllabus contains changes

  • Changes to examination:
    • 2020-12-01: Location Location changed from Halls at Lindholmen to Johanneberg by Tentamensadm
      [2021-01-04 6,0 hec, 0118]
    • 2020-09-30: Grade raising No longer grade raising by GRULG