[Translation missing: page.coursepage.titleprefix] Mathematical supplementary course

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.adopteddate] 2021-02-26 [Translation missing: page.coursepage.adoptedby].

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.overview]

  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.namealt]Matematisk överbryggningskurs
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.coursecode]LMA224
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.credit]7.5 Credits
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.owner]TIMAL
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.edulevel]First-cycle
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.mainsubjects]Mathematics
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.dept]MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.grading]TH - Pass with distinction (5), Pass with credit (4), Pass (3), Fail

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.courseround] 1

  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.teachlang] [Translation missing: general.acronyms.sv]
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.applcode] 65114
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.maxamount]98
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.blockschedule]
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.erasmus]No

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.modules]

0107 Examination 7.5 c
[Translation missing: page.coursepage.grading]: TH
0 c0 c7.5 c0 c0 c0 c
  • 17 Mar 2023 am L
  • 09 Jun 2023 pm L
  • 23 Aug 2023 pm L

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.inprogrammes]

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.examinator]

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.tocoursepage] ([Translation missing: general.aria.newtab])

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.genentryreq]

General entry requirements for bachelor's level (first cycle)
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.specentryreq]

The same as for the programme that owns the course.
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.prerequisites]

The courses LMA401 Calculus and MVE580 Linear algebra and differential equations, or equivalent knowledge.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.purpose]

The aim of the course is, together with the other mathematical courses in the programme for mechanical engineering, to give general knowledge in mathematics that is as useful as possible in further studies or technical profession. In particular the course aims to prepare for continuation at Chalmers programme in mechanical engineering at master level.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.goal]

  • describe the significance and meaning of the fundamental concepts of calculus (in one and several variables), linear algebra and the corresponding numerical analysis.
  • describe the relations between the different concepts.
  • use the concepts to solve mathematical problems.
  • apply improved skills in Matlab programming to solve computational problem.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.content]

Vector spaces, subspaces, linear independence, basis, change of basis. Linear transformations. The least squares method. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and diagonalization. Numerical solution of non-linear systems of equations. Extremal values, optimization on compact domains, optimization with constraints. Numerical optimization: Newton's method and the method of gradients. Double and triple integrals, numerical computation and applications. Line integral. Green's formula. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Introduction to partial differential equations: Laplace and Poisson equations, numerical solutions. Applications in Matlab.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.organization]

Lectures and computer classes.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.literature]

Literature will be announced on the course web page before start of the course.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.examination]

The examination consists of a written exam at the end of the course and compulsory assignments.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.footnoteexamination]