Course syllabus for Corrosion

Course syllabus adopted 2020-02-14 by Head of Programme (or corresponding).


  • Swedish nameKorrosion
  • CodeKBT095
  • Credits7.5 Credits
  • OwnerMPMCN
  • Education cycleSecond-cycle
  • Main field of studyChemical Engineering
  • GradingTH - Pass with distinction (5), Pass with credit (4), Pass (3), Fail

Course round 1

  • Teaching language English
  • Application code 30115
  • Maximum participants40
  • Minimum participants8
  • Block schedule
  • Open for exchange studentsYes

Credit distribution

0107 Examination 7.5 c
Grading: TH
7.5 c
  • 19 Mar 2021 am J
  • 08 Jun 2021 pm J
  • 24 Aug 2021 am J

In programmes


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General entry requirements for Master's level (second cycle)
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Specific entry requirements

English 6 (or by other approved means with the equivalent proficiency level)
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Course specific prerequisites

Basic knowledge in chemistry, physics and materials science.


The overall aim is to provide an understanding of the fundamental processes behind corrosion and of the principles for corrosion protection. This is achieved by analyzing corrosion on several length scales; from the molecular level over the nano-scale and the micro-scale to the macroscopic scale of engineering. A broad spectrum of materials is treated, including novel and advanced materials and industrially important alloys and ceramics.

Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)

  • Understand the fundamentals of aqueous corrosion, atmospheric corrosion and high-temperature corrosion.
  • Understand central aspects of aqueous corrosion including passivation/depassivation, localized corrosion, galvanic corrosion/cathodic protection.
  • Use chemical thermodynamics to analyze the driving forces behind corrosion.
  • Understand the basic electrochemistry of corrosion.
  • Have a basic knowledge of important surface analytical techniques for characterizing corrosion attack, e.g. X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Focused ion-beam.
  • Analyze practical corrosion problems using the tools provided by the course and to suggest ways to alleviate corrosion by, e.g., changing the corrosive environment, the surface treatment or the material itself.
  • To know the basic principles and limitations of corrosion testing.
  • To know how to design against corrosion.


The course is organized in lectures, tutorials, and laboratory work, and includes two different areas, i.e. corrosion in aqueous solution/atmospheric corrosion and high temperature corrosion. Both parts will provide a basic understanding of the principles and thermodynamic tools to describe/understand the corrosion. An important aspect is corrosion protection by protective coatings, change the environment and/or change in the alloy composition and microstructure. It also provides an overview of basic principles of important methods to analyze corroded materials, such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, focused ion beam microscopy.


The course includes lectures, tutorials, three laborations and a mini-project. The laborations and the mini-project are compulsory.


Principles and Prevention of Corrosion, D.A. Jones
ISBN-10: 0133599930, ISBN-13: 978-0133599930

Examination including compulsory elements

Written exam and presentation of project