[Translation missing: page.coursepage.titleprefix] Physics for engineers

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.changes]
[Translation missing: page.coursepage.seechanges]

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.adopteddate] 2022-01-27 [Translation missing: page.coursepage.adoptedby].

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.overview]

  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.namealt]Fysik för ingenjörer
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.coursecode]FFY621
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.credit]7.5 Credits
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.owner]TKITE
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.edulevel]First-cycle
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.mainsubjects]Engineering Physics
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.dept]PHYSICS
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.grading]TH - Pass with distinction (5), Pass with credit (4), Pass (3), Fail

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.courseround] 1

  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.teachlang] [Translation missing: general.acronyms.en]
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.applcode] 52134
  • [Translation missing: page.coursepage.erasmus]No

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.modules]

0106 Examination 7.5 c
[Translation missing: page.coursepage.grading]: TH
0 c7.5 c0 c0 c0 c0 c
  • 14 Jan 2023 am J
  • 04 Apr 2023 am J
  • 15 Aug 2023 pm J

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.inprogrammes]

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.examinator]

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.tocoursepage] ([Translation missing: general.aria.newtab])

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.genentryreq]

General entry requirements for bachelor's level (first cycle)
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.specentryreq]

The same as for the programme that owns the course.
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.prerequisites]

Mathematics from the first two years of study.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.purpose]

Highly educated engineers should have a solid analytical ability based upon knowledge in science and technology. The aim of this course is to establish such a knowledge of matter that the students will be able to understand and communicate in depth information about the behavior and function of a manifold of technical devices and systems.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.goal]

- describe principles and theorems for the structure and dynamics of matter as well as the causes of motion of matter
- express mathematical models based on technical or physical issues
- describe basic concepts in physics and technology, mainly the energy concept
- make simpler calculations in fundamental quantum physics and be able to understand the built up of atoms and solids
- describe and exemplify the importance of quantum physics for modern technical applications.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.content]

The course begins with mechanics and waves. With the help of concepts such as force, energy and momentum the motion of objects in our surroundings are described and explained. Then we introduce the philosophy and concepts required to understand the microscopic world. In order to do so we need to know how atoms, molecules and solids are constructed. When this is considered, we go over to dynamics in the micro world and how particles and waves propagate and interact. The knowledge of the dynamics at the atomic level is crucial for the development of modern micro- and nanotechnology. In the course a number of applications is outlined, such as the practical use of the electron microscope.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.organization]

Lectures, calculations and tutorials. The latter activity includes handing in solutions to hand-in problems, student presentations of solutions to these and discussions in half-class. This activity is voluntary but can add bonus points to the result of the written exam.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.literature]

University physics by Young & Freedman.

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.examination]

Written exam and approved laboratory sessions

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.footnoteexamination]

[Translation missing: page.coursepage.changes]

  • Changes to course rounds:
    • 2023-05-31: Examinator Examinator changed from Yasmine Sassa (sassa) to Bo Hellsing (hellsing) by Viceprefekt
      [Course round 1]
    • 2023-04-24: Block Block X removed by lina haglund
      [Course round 1]
    • 2022-06-01: Block Block changed from C+ to X by Yasmine Sassa
      [Course round 1]