Course syllabus for Medicine for engineers

The course syllabus contains changes
See changes

Course syllabus adopted 2020-02-20 by Head of Programme (or corresponding).


  • Swedish nameMedicin för tekniker
  • CodeEEN085
  • Credits7.5 Credits
  • OwnerTKMED
  • Education cycleFirst-cycle
  • Main field of studyBiomedical engineering
  • GradingTH - Pass with distinction (5), Pass with credit (4), Pass (3), Fail

Course round 1

  • Teaching language Swedish
  • Application code 73113
  • Maximum participants65
  • Open for exchange studentsNo
  • Only students with the course round in the programme overview.

Credit distribution

0120 Laboratory 1.5 c
Grading: UG
0.8 c0.7 c
0220 Examination 6 c
Grading: TH
3 c3 c
  • 16 Jan 2021 am J
  • 09 Apr 2021 am J
  • 19 Aug 2021 pm J

In programmes


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General entry requirements for bachelor's level (first cycle)
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Specific entry requirements

The same as for the programme that owns the course.
Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.

Course specific prerequisites

No specific course requirements. Only basic eligibility for college studies.


The purpose of this course is to provide the students with basic medical knowledge, to understand the structure and function of the human body, as well as knowledge of common illnesses, in relation to future professional practice. The course also aims to familiarize the students with basic medical terminology and to prepare the student for further studies in biomedical engineering.

Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)

Knowledge and understanding
- describe the function of cells, tissues and organs as well as general physiological control mechanisms
- synoptically describe the structure of the human body and identify organs and tissue structures in cross-sectional images

Skills and abilities
- explain and use basic medical terminologies
- communicate medical issues with other professions in the health care sector
- use ones medical knowledge as a starting point to discuss normal functions of the body's various organs and pathophysiological consequences of disorders in these functions

Evaluation ability and approach
- reason about the significance of the subject in future professional practice
- identify ones need for acquiring additional knowledge
- reflect upon knowledge related to issues within the science of medicine relevant to biomedical engineering.


The course contains basic knowledge of the structure and function of the human body (anatomy, histology and physiology) as well as knowledge of some common diseases. Students are trained in identifying organs and tissue structures in cross-sectional images. Lectures are mixed with demonstrations/laboratory sessions as well as seminars to illustrate and integrate with obtained theoretical knowledge. The course also includes a number of case-based lectures/study visits at Sahlgrenska University Hospital where students are given the opportunity to gain a general knowledge of the healthcare organization, various professions and the patient's path through the healthcare process. Quiz questions are offered in connection with the case-based lectures/study visits, which can give bonus points on the final written examination.


The responsible institute is the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg. The teaching is provided in the form of lectures and lessons/demonstrations/labs/seminars in smaller groups. More detailed information is available on the course website before the start of the course.


See course PM for literature list as well as lecture material.

Examination including compulsory elements

Written examination. Quiz questions, in connection with the case-based lectures/study visits, are optional but can give bonus points on the written examination.
Participation in demonstrations/labs/seminars/group work is compulsory.
Other exam forms that may occur:
- reports of labs/demonstrations/seminars/group work.
- other documentation of progression of obtained knowledge
Detailed information about the examination is given on the course website before the start of the course.

The course syllabus contains changes

  • Changes to course rounds:
    • 2020-05-06: Examinator Examinator Maria Johansson Wennborg (wennborg) added by UBS/Utbildningstöd
      [Course round 1]
  • Changes to examination:
    • 2020-09-30: Grade raising No longer grade raising by GRULG