General entry requirements for bachelor's level (first cycle) Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.
Specific entry requirements
The same as for the programme that owns the course. Applicants enrolled in a programme at Chalmers where the course is included in the study programme are exempted from fulfilling the requirements above.
Course specific prerequisites
The course introduces the main task of architecture - to design the spaces and environments in which we live our lives. The course main objectives are: to elicit the desire to discover spaces, to train the sensitivity of the qualitives of spaces, as well as to train the ability to imagine, explore and design spaces.
Various aspects of the spaces being studied are: shape, proportion, scale and linkages, references and narratives, space for the senses, materiality and construction. By studying and in architecture projects, with a sketching and exploring approach, process and interpret these aspects, begins the training in the architectural design process.
Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)
- Discuss the concept of space with reference to different sources
- Present own formulated intentions regarding spatial characteristics and qualities prior to a design task.
- Demonstrate and reflect upon the own sketching process, its various sketching tools and how design decisions have been taken based on produced alternatives and sought qualities.
- Demonstrate and communicate a designed proposal and in this relate to important references and formulated intentions.
- Critically examine, discuss and assess the qualities and weaknesses in own and other student's presented proposals.
The course consists mainly of the following moments:
basic aspects on space design and space experience
basic aspects on the process of sketching
Literature seminars that treat the concept of space. Exercises that investigate different aspects of space and give training in sketching. Seminars that train a critical reflective attitude to own and others processes and proposals. A completed architectural project with focus on spatial design and with a final criticism. A Portfolio presentation consisting of a reflected presentation of the desing process and the final proposal.
Texts on theory of architecture and reference literature.
Examination including compulsory elements
The course is directed towards an individual completed architectural design project and is examined, partly by an active process, partly through a presented, communicated and reflected result
The process includes active and full participation at lectures, seminars, group work, tutorials and critics. This includes:
- Submitted and approved weekly sketches
- Completed and approved lab and belonging critics
- Participation in literary and/or other seminars
To the result belongs a proposal delivered in time and with the requested format, a well performed presentation, a reflective defense, and a Portfolio presentation with a reflected summary of proposal and process.
Swedish nameRum och människa
Credits7.5 Credits
Education cycleFirst-cycle
Main field of studyArchitecture, Architecture and Engineering