The Stena Industry Innovation Lab, or SII-Lab for short, offers top opportunities for the Swedish industry to test digitalized production of the future. Here, the engineers of the future will be trained and the industry is offered to test new technical possibilities in practical test beds.
The lab offers fast communication systems with 5G, collaborative robots as well as virtual and augmented reality techniques for assembly.
Modern 5G technology enables rapid communication between machines, products, robots and people. The lab corresponds well to the concepts contained in the German production initiative Industrie 4.0, based on the concepts of “Internet of Things”, cloud services and advanced production technology.
Expected effects are extremely fast and easy communication between products, machines, people and business systems, but also the powerful efficiency of communication between different stages in the product value chains.
More information is available the SII-Lab website. Please contact us for more information about the possibilites to participate in our laboratory environment.

Stena Industry Innovation Lab
Research, Innovation, Education And Demonstration Of Smart Industrial Production