At Chalmers University of Technology there are a number of centres, national competence centres as well as other centres which cooperate across traditional departmental boundaries. Here we list some of the centers that the Department of Industrial and Materials Science run and co-operate with the most.

Centre for Additive Manufacture – Metal
Centre for Additive Manufacture – Metal, CAM2, is a Vinnova funded competence centre focusing on research and development of materials and processes for additive manufacturing (3D printing) of advanced metallic components. The centre is a consortium of more than 25 companies and five research actors.

Centre for Metal Cutting Research
MCR is dedicated to strengthening industry-academia partnerships by bringing together large industries, an association of SMEs and other research providers. The centre supports Chalmers scientists to engage in interdisciplinary research across departments, divisions and research groups. The MCR facilitates industry-driven operations in the area of metal cutting via research, learning, and by managing two competence-networks related to process-/metalworking fluids and grinding technology.

Wingquist Laboratory
Wingquist Laboratory is an internationally competitive competence centre for multidisciplinary research within the field of digital product realization. The lab envisions a fully digital product realization process, where complex, mechanical, assembled products and their production systems are developed and verified together, without need for physical prototypes or testing.