At the department of Industrial and Materials Sciences, our idea is to combine excellence and relevance in research and education. Collaboration with industry and society therefore permeates most of our business.
We do this primarily by collaborating with companies in research projects, through further education, as well as through exams and other activities linked to education. Research is being conducted to a large extent with companies within energy, construction, mining, transport, and manufacturing sectors. The medical technology and white goods industries are also represented.
We want to improve everyday things like buildings, vehicles, roads, bridges, transportation systems, freezers and ensure fresh water supply and people's health.
The department's multidisciplinary profile with depths in different areas means active participation in several of Chalmers's areas of advance. The strategy is also to contribute to the development and implementation of national research efforts. Our researchers are active in national and international scientific networks and organizations. Networking involves hosting as well as active participation in research centres where our efforts can make a difference.
Graduates are very important carriers of new knowledge in society and the business community. We have gathered information where our PhD students continue on after their graduation.
A central idea is to have long-term cooperation with companies and research institutes through adjunct professors or other adjunct staff attached to all research profiles at the institution.
Another strategy is combining challenges in research with industrial needs. By working in this way, new domains are being explored while there is a goal of reaching solutions that are of benefit to industry.
Through our efforts, research results are spread and conditions are created for the utilization and development of applications in different contexts where these contribute to sustainable development of business and society.

Laboratories and facilities at Industrial and Materials Science
The department of Industrial and Materials Science has a high-quality laboratory structure and machine park. For some of the equipment it is possible to buy machine time.

Centres connected to Industrial and Materials Science
At Chalmers University of Technology there are a number of centres, national competence centres as well as other centres which cooperate across traditional departmental boundaries. Here we list some of the centers that the Department of Industrial and Materials Science run and co-operate with the most.