This research group within Human and Automation Optimisation focus on cognitive and physical automation to support future production systems.
In this holistic view, KPIs, Social Sustainability and Triggers for Change are included as measurable parameters. Furthermore, organisational issues regarding automation strategies are investigated. The goal is to make the future production system sustainable by creating an atmosphere; tools to support the operators and an attractive workplace were the humans are in the centre. In order to succeed the group have a close cooperation with industries, institutes and academia, both on an international and national level.
Research areas:
Technologies and methods
Testing and developing new technologies or old technologies in a new context. Examples are: testing an Iphone for assembly instructions, designing prototype applications for dynamic work tasks. Developing methodologies in order to in a structured way choose the right Level of Automation in the system. Examples of developed methods are: DYNAMO, DYNAMO++, CXI, ProAct-loop.
Information systems
Developing and investigating standards, ontology and structural hierarchies in order to support the technical solutions. Further, to investigate the structure of the information in order to support different resources (man or machine) with different types of competences in different complex tasks. Examples are: development of the concept model, carrier and content division of information, organisational issues regarding the strategies, design and hierarchies of information systems.
Resource allocation and Task allocation
Developing and investigating methods, tools and IS in order to choose the right resource for the right task in an optimal way. Examples are: Level of Competence and competence matrixes, role allotment in a production system, empowerment among the operators.