Virtually every major materials property results from mechanisms occurring at the atomic or microscopic level. Hence, our research activities focus on materials characterization using analytical electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and surface analysis techniques (AES and XPS) in combination with all necessary complementary techniques. We are performing both basic and applied research and materials investigated include:
- All kinds of nanomaterials (nanofibres and powders, nanocomposite, thin films, and nanocrystalline bulkmaterial)
- Functional materials like corrosion- and wear resistant coatings, etc
- Structural materials like superalloys and advanced steels.
The Surface and Microstructure Engineering Group has also a strong base in processing tailored materials for products with novel/important applications (powder metallurgy, ceramic-based nanocomposite, etc.). Moreover, within the scope of the Metal Cutting Research and Development Centre (MCR), research is performed with respect to production technology and the optimization of manufacturing processes (robust and predictable manufacturing processes, lower energy and/or materials consumption, reduced environmental impact/recycling).
The work we are performing is interdisciplinary by nature. Hence, the group is closely collaborating with other universities and industry, both nationally and internationally.
The research group

- Head of Division, Materials and Manufacture, Industrial and Materials Science

- Professor, Materials and Manufacture, Industrial and Materials Science

- Professor, Materials and Manufacture, Industrial and Materials Science

- Researcher, Materials and Manufacture, Industrial and Materials Science

- Research Engineer, Materials and Manufacture, Industrial and Materials Science

- Postdoc, Materials and Manufacture, Industrial and Materials Science