Rheology is unique among analytical techniques in materials science because it can probe material structure in ‘out-of-equilibrium’ states, i.e. flow induced.
This takes rheology as analytical technique towards processing through flow and morphological control therewith. The processing of soft matter into products typically involves rheologically complex fluids in complex flow configurations. Thus, understanding flow-field-matter interactions in relation to fundamental rheological properties is essential for obtaining products with favorable performance through processing.
In this framework, our research is based around four main pillars: (i) complex fluid flows, (ii) flow-field filler interaction in nanostructured fluids, (iii) multifunctional properties in (nano) structured materials and (iv) advanced rheometry.
The research group

- Professor, Engineering Materials, Industrial and Materials Science

- Doctor, Engineering Materials, Industrial and Materials Science

- Doctoral Student, Engineering Materials, Industrial and Materials Science

- Doctoral Student, Engineering Materials, Industrial and Materials Science

- Doctoral Student, Engineering Materials, Industrial and Materials Science
- Postdoc, Engineering Materials, Industrial and Materials Science
- Doctoral Student, Engineering Materials, Industrial and Materials Science