The division is centered on the relationship between technological materials microstructural structure and their mechanical properties.
The dominant areas of research is the deformation and fracture behaviour, and fatigue properties at various processing methods of metals as well as polymeric materials and composites. Experimental techniques used are different forms of mechanical testing, various types of microscopy, image analysis, fractography, etc.
Research groups

Materials technology
Materials technology – research based on the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of engineering metals.

Polymeric materials and composites
A distinctive feature of materials science is the search for useful relations between the structure (on different levels) and material properties. In the case of polymeric materials, the processing technique chosen has a very strong influence on the structure of the material and thus on its performance in a given application.

Rheology & processing of soft matter
Rheology is unique among analytical techniques in materials science because it can probe material structure in ‘out-of-equilibrium’ states, i.e. flow induced.
Head of division

- Full Professor, Engineering Materials, Industrial and Materials Science