Close collaboration with public authorities, municipalities, businesses, and civil society is essential for the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE). By working together, we can contribute to a sustainable built environment – and to do that, joint knowledge development, knowledge sharing and validation of new approaches, materials, techniques and materials in practice is the key.
Chalmers University of Technology has an excellent reputation regarding collaboration with non-academic stakeholders. According to the CWTS Leiden Ranking on Industrial Collaboration, Chalmers is ranked 5th on a global level and number 1 in the Nordics. ACE has strong and successful collaborations with many non-academic partners already today, and that can improve even further.
If you and your organisation would like to collaborate with us, here are the most common and fruitful ways:
Student thesis projects
A typical way of starting a collaboration with ACE is through a student writing his or her Bachelor or Master thesis on a topic with of interest for your organisation.
Research projects
Collaboration through a joint reserarch project can run from everything for a couple of months up to several years. Here, we have a variety of possibilities and engagement levels from you and your organisations side.
Industrial PhD student
A long term form of collaboration which, despite the name, can encompass PhD students from the public sector and governmental agencies as well as from the industry. This kind of collaboration means one of your employees will be allowed to dedicate four years of her/his time to research a specific topic that is close to your core activities and demands.
Contributions in education
Get direct contact with students by contributions in education – the possibilities to collaborate in education are manifold. As a guest lecturer, host for an excursion or a study trip or provider of course-related lecturing material, to mention a few of them.
Competence development
If you want to discuss the possibilities to learn from us through competence development for your employees, there are opportunities related to Life Long Learning that might be of interest to you.
Adjunct professors and researchers
Organisations with a long-term commitment to collaboration with Chalmers sometimes have an adjunct professor or researcher connected to ACE.
Advice from an expert
If you and your organisation would like to benefit from ACE expertise in a specific field there are certain possibilities to engage an employee from ACE as an advisor or collaborator at your organisation. This kind of collaboration needs to be discussed on a personal level and be in line with Chalmers's employment regulations.