Education at Architecture and Civil Engineering

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One female student and one male student viewing a wooden structure

Are you interested in the prerequisites for how people live and interact with urban spaces and how our infrastructures, homes, cities and societies are planned, designed and built? At the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, we educate and prepare students to take on contemporary and future challenges within the built and natural environments of society.

The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering offer an extensive range of courses at Bachelor's and Master's level as well as on a post-graduate level in our Graduate Schools.

Our education for architects aim to promote balanced resource use and high quality conditions for human life, from urban regional scale to building details. Architectural knowledge at Chalmers is grounded in design thinking which unites artistic methods and technical research with socio-cultural perspectives.

Civl Engineering encompasses a wide range of engineering sciences for sustainable community building. The building sector plays a very visible role in society, also in the daily lives of individuals and companies. The education at Civil and Environmental Engineering encompasses the entire chain from planning to operation and development with a focus on human needs, the environment, energy and economics.

Educational Organisation

Dean of Education (UOL) for ASAM

Mia Bondelind

Assistant Head of Department, Education

Joosef Leppänen

  • Assistant Head of Department, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Director of Undergraduate Studies – Architecture

Maja Kovacs

  • Artistic Teacher, Architectural Theory and Method, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Directors of Undergraduate Studies – Civil Engineering

Caroline Ingelhammar

  • Studierektor, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Andreas Lindhe

  • Studierektor, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Head of Programme in


Julia Fredriksson

  • Programansvarig, Urban Design and Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Arkitektur och teknik

Mats Ander

  • Senior Lecturer, Material and Computational Mechanics, Industrial and Materials Science

Affärsutveckling och entreprenörsskap

Daniella Troje

Samhällsbyggnadsteknik 180 hp

Stefano Delia

Samhällsbyggnadsteknik 300 hp

Pär Johansson

  • Associate Professor, Building Technology, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Director of master's programme in

Architecture and urban design

Joaquim Tarraso

  • Director of Master's Programme, Architecture and Built Environment

Architecture and planning beyond sustainability

Marco Adelfio

  • Associate Professor, Urban Design and Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Design and construction project management

Martine Buser

  • Associate Professor, Building Design, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Infrastructure and environmental engineering

Frank Persson

  • Associate Professor, Water Environment Technology, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Sound and vibration

Astrid Pieringer

  • Senior Researcher, Applied Acoustics, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Structural engineering and building technology

Despoina Teli

  • Director of Master's Programme, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Joint nordic master in environmental engineering

Sebastien Rauch

  • Full Professor, Water Environment Technology, Architecture and Civil Engineering