Are you interested in the prerequisites for how people live and interact with urban spaces and how our infrastructures, homes, cities and societies are planned, designed and built? At the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, we educate and prepare students to take on contemporary and future challenges within the built and natural environments of society.
The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering offer an extensive range of courses at Bachelor's and Master's level as well as on a post-graduate level in our Graduate Schools.
Our education for architects aim to promote balanced resource use and high quality conditions for human life, from urban regional scale to building details. Architectural knowledge at Chalmers is grounded in design thinking which unites artistic methods and technical research with socio-cultural perspectives.
Civl Engineering encompasses a wide range of engineering sciences for sustainable community building. The building sector plays a very visible role in society, also in the daily lives of individuals and companies. The education at Civil and Environmental Engineering encompasses the entire chain from planning to operation and development with a focus on human needs, the environment, energy and economics.
Master's programmes in Architecture and Civil Engineering

Architecture and urban design, MSc
The fields of architecture and urban design are central to some of the most pressing societal, environmental, and cultural challenges currently facing humanity. Graduates in this field need to master a wide range of skills, from design, engineering, and technology to critical thinking. This master’s programme emphasises a research-oriented approach, anticipating future challenges for architects and urban designers. The profile is both practical and design-led, academic as well as theoretical. You will be prepared for an incredibly rewarding and exciting career in architecture and urban design, both internationally and in Sweden.

Architecture and planning beyond sustainability, MSc
The development of cities and the built environment places enormous pressure on the natural world. As urbanisation continues at a rapid pace, finding sustainable and adaptable solutions to these issues is becoming essential. In this programme, we encourage a critical perspective of sustainable development and current practice in architecture and urban design, looking beyond current challenges and developments to envision a new era of architecture and planning. The ambition is to promote convincing future visions for the development of the built environment, preparing graduates to help shape the future of the spaces we live and work in.

Design and construction project management, MSc
The construction industry is at a crossroads. The transition to a more sustainable society poses big challenges — and opportunities — for the sector. New materials, methods and technologies are coming to the forefront, with accompanying demands for up-to-date, specialised education. This master’s programme will train you to analyse and understand these changes, developing the skills essential for tackling upcoming challenges in a responsible and effective manner.

Infrastructure and environmental engineering, MSc
Civil engineers play a crucial role in developing infrastructure and supporting human development in a sustainable manner. Issues such as soil and water contamination, lack of access to safe drinking water, and unsustainable use of resources remain major obstacles to global sustainability, while the growing threat of climate change and problems arising from rapid urbanisation pose new challenges. This master’s programme is a response to the enormous societal need for qualified competence in the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure systems.

Sound and vibration, MSc
Sound and vibration properties are critical for how we perceive our surroundings, from vehicles such as trains and passenger cars to outdoor, indoor, and virtual environments. A lack of forethought in these areas can lead to serious health effects, sleep disturbance and stress, impacting upon people's well-being and public health. But well-designed environments can yield beautiful acoustic properties — in concert halls and theatres, naturally, but also in everyday buildings such as offices and shopping centres. This master's programme, therefore, is for engineers who want to create a better acoustic world.

Structural engineering and building technology, MSc
The built environment is where most of us spend our lives, and related industries constitute an enormous part of the global economy. In this master’s programme, you will investigate issues related to manmade structures and buildings, contributing to a more sustainable and resource-efficient society. Investigating structural systems and complex buildings requires a deep and intuitive understanding of their properties, as well as the ability to cooperate, take charge of diverse projects and communicate effectively in international environments. Studying this programme will give you these very tools, allowing you to meet the demands of this fast-paced, challenging and changing industry.

Environmental engineering, joint nordic MSc
The Nordic five tech master's programme in Environmental engineering focuses on sustainable management of impacts on the environment caused by human activities, and on the development of new technologies to address environmental challenges.
Educational Organisation
Dean of Education (UOL) for ASAM

Assistant Head of Department, Education

- Assistant Head of Department, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Director of Undergraduate Studies – Architecture

- Artistic Teacher, Architectural Theory and Method, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Directors of Undergraduate Studies – Civil Engineering

- Studierektor, Architecture and Civil Engineering

- Studierektor, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Head of Programme in

- Programansvarig, Urban Design and Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Arkitektur och teknik

- Senior Lecturer, Material and Computational Mechanics, Industrial and Materials Science
Affärsutveckling och entreprenörsskap

Samhällsbyggnadsteknik 180 hp

Samhällsbyggnadsteknik 300 hp

- Associate Professor, Building Technology, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Director of master's programme in
Architecture and urban design

- Director of Master's Programme, Architecture and Built Environment
Architecture and planning beyond sustainability

- Associate Professor, Urban Design and Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Design and construction project management

- Associate Professor, Building Design, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Infrastructure and environmental engineering

- Associate Professor, Water Environment Technology, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Sound and vibration

- Senior Researcher, Applied Acoustics, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Structural engineering and building technology

- Director of Master's Programme, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Joint nordic master in environmental engineering

- Full Professor, Water Environment Technology, Architecture and Civil Engineering