2022-03-01: It has been deeply disturbing and worrying to witness the unfolding of recent events in Ukraine. Russia’s military attack is a serious threat to international peace and security. As a university and place of education, we stand for democracy, universal human rights, and the right to free expression. Chalmers University of Technology condemns this war that is taking place in Europe, and we express our deepest sympathies with the Ukrainian people.
Chalmers is a part of the European Universities of Technology Alliance, Enhance*, and on 25 February we released a statement where, together with the other European universities in the network, we condemned Russia’s actions.
As part of the ENHANCE Alliance Chalmers University of technology condemns Russias's military attack on Ukraine.
Read the tweet on Twitter (Opens in new tab)We have also worked with ensuring that all our employees and students with connections to Ukraine get access to the support necessary from us.
In challenging times, we must stand up for one another, for democracy and for the foundational values which constitute a sustainable society. We protect the right to free expression, which we represent as a university and place of education, and stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
Stefan Bengtsson, President and CEO of Chalmers University of Technology
*The Enhance Alliance consists of the following universities: Chalmers University of Technology, NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, TU Berlin, RWTH Aachen, Warsaw University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano and the Technical University of Valencia.
Chalmers on Twitter: @chalmersuniv
Under the headline "President’s perspective" Stefan Bengtsson, President and CEO for Chalmers University of Technology, shares his reflections on current topics that concern education, research and utilisation.