2023-11-13: In order to ensure the safety and security of employees and students, Chalmers will not make premises or campus areas available for political manifestations.
Due to the turbulent global situation and the highly polarised social climate, Chalmers has decided not to allow political manifestations on campus, or in our premises. This is to safeguard the work environment and safety for our students and employees.
The decision is based on a consideration: Freedom of expression is the lifeblood of a university. It enables the pursuit and creation of new knowledge. This means that those who are part of a university will also encounter ideas and perspectives that they do not share, sometimes even may perceive as offensive. But in order to secure the university as a place for the exchange of ideas, open for different perspectives, opinions and nuances, the university must take responsibility for the forms of this exchange – we must create rules that allow the exchange to take place in a peaceful and open way.
The decision is a way for Chalmers to take this responsibility and ensure a climate where people with widely differing views and origins can meet and work. And this is why this is so important: Chalmers is the daily workplace for more than 10 000 students and 3 000 employees.
To be extra clear: by manifestation we mean people gathering and expressing political opinions in a way that means that those who pass by cannot avoid seeing or hearing the message, and we also include posters, at what constitutes our students’ and employees’ workplace, the Chalmers campus.
Isabelle Jarl, President, Chalmers student union and Martin Nilsson Jacobi, President and CEO, Chalmers University of Technology
Under the headline "President’s perspective" the President and CEO for Chalmers University of Technology, shares his reflections on current topics that concern education, research and utilisation.