Six of today’s programmes will be transformed into three new ones. This concern engineering chemistry, mechanical engineering and industrial design engineering.
At the end of June, Chalmers' President decided how parts of the university's future undergraduate education should be designed. This is a first step in the university's planned development of the educational offerings, following a decision on orientation in autumn 2023. The main principle is that each programme should have its own uniqueness.
Six of today’s programmes will be transformed into three new ones in engineering chemistry, mechanical engineering and industrial design engineering. The new programmes will be open for applications for the autumn semester 2025. The number of study places will basically be the same as today.
“This is a very positive step for Chalmers' undergraduate education,” says President Martin Nilsson Jacobi. “We increase the quality and efficiency of our education, while at the same time the content and format of our teaching will respond to challenges in society in an innovative and relevant way.”
“The path we are taking has several advantages, with the most important aspects focusing on the students; to provide higher quality in education and increased flexibility in the educational offerings," says Jörgen Blennow, Vice President for Education and Lifelong Learning.
Engineering programmes with a later choice of study length
A new structure is being introduced, where students do not need to choose until their second year whether they want to aim for a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (180 credits), and enter working life after three years of full-time studies, or, whether they would rather continue for another two years – at master's level – to obtain a Master of Science in Engineering (300 credits).
This option will be available within Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design Engineering. On both programs, theory and practice are studied in parallel already from the start, regardless of which degree the students are aiming for. Therefore, the initial semesters for all students in each programme can be identical. Hopefully, this makes it easier for students to make a more informed choice about which degree their studies should result in, as the courses already in the first semesters will give insight into the work roles.
Two chemical engineering programmes become one
In the autumn semester of 2025, two existing Master of Science in Engineering programmes, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering with Engineering Physics, will be developed into a new Master of Science in Engineering (MSc) programme called Engineering Chemistry. The university has previously decided that the 2023 admission to the Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering programme was the last.
“There is great demand for engineers with chemical engineering expertise in society, particularly in the areas of green transition and electrification. Unfortunately, Chalmers, like other universities, has had a low number of applicants to chemistry programmes and relatively many students drop out during the programme," says Lars Evenäs, project manager for the new MSc programme. “We want to address this by restructuring the two engineering programmes into a new contemporary and forward-looking programme, combined with targeted marketing to promote chemistry as an attractive field for studies and working life.”
The goal of the new Engineering Chemistry (MSc) programme is to meet current and future societal needs in areas such as material development, electrification and sustainable processes.
The Engineering programme in Biotechnology, which currently shares courses with the Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering with Engineering Physics programmes, will be revised within the existing framework. Starting in the autumn of 2025, the Engineering programme in Biotechnology will have an emphasis on biochemistry and human physiology. In year three, there are elective tracks with focus on multicellular organisms and humans, or, more traditional biotechnology focusing on single-cell organisms and industrial biotechnology.
More resources to spend on profiled courses
A thorough investigation has been carried out within Chalmers' educational organisation that forms the basis for the restructuring, something that was initiated several years ago.
“A positive side effect of this new way of structuring education is that, by making the offer at undergraduate level less fragmented, we will have greater resources to spend on profiled courses at advanced level,” says Jörgen Blennow.
“I look forward to welcoming students to the new programmes on a unified campus Johanneberg in the autumn semester of 2025,” he concludes.
New programmes that will be developed from existing programmes, until the autumn semester of 2025
- A new Master of Science programme in Engineering Chemistry, 300 credits, replaces TKKMT Chemical Engineering (civilingenjör), 300 credits, and TKKEF Chemical Engineering with Engineering Physics (civilingenjör), 300 credits.
- A new engineering programme Mechanical Engineering, 300/180 credits, replaces the programmes TKMAS Mechanical Engineering (civilingenjör), 300 credits, and TIMAL Mechanical Engineering (högskoleingenjör), 180 credits.
- A new engineering programme Industrial Design Engineering, 300/180 credits, replaces the programmes TKDES Product Design Engineering (civilingenjör), 300 credits, and TIDSL Design and Product Development (högskoleingenjör), 180 credits.
Programme proposals that are being investigated further, in accordance with the decision on orientation
- A further development of the Bachelor of Science in Engineering programme TIEPL Industrial Management and Production Engineering with stronger elements of production engineering has been investigated during the spring semester of 2024 and will be discussed further in Chalmers' executive committee for education.
- During the autumn semester of 2025, the preparatory work will start on developing a new regionally anchored Bachelor of Science in Engineering programme with a focus on electromobility/embedded electronic systems/electric drive systems/autonomous systems, based on TIELL Electrical Engineering and TIMEL Mechatronics Engineering.
- In the autumn semester of 2025, an investigation into a more working life-oriented Bachelor of Science in Engineering programme in Computer Engineering, based on TIDAL Computer Science will be initiated.
Read more:
The orientation of Chalmers' educational offerings is being reviewed
Project A unified campus at Johanneberg
Contact person
- Vice President, Education