Preparations are in full swing to welcome an additional approximately 1,000 students on campus Johanneberg this autumn. A completely new schedule is being developed as well as more teaching facilities.
This autumn, Chalmers' Bachelor of Science in Engineering programmes will move from Lindholmen to campus Johanneberg. This is an important step towards gathering Chalmers' students on one campus.
To plan the teaching, a completely new schedule is needed, built from scratch in a modernised IT system. Additionally, more educational premises are required to accommodate the new students. This is underway mainly in the southern part of the campus area, where 4,000 square metres in Chalmers Teknikpark are being converted into new learning environments and teaching facilities.
A preliminary schedule for study period 1 in autumn 2025 is now ready. Simulations clearly indicate that the premises planning for the upcoming semester has been correct. The schedule proposal has now been sent out for internal review to teachers, heads of programmes, and the student union. According to the plans, the autumn schedule will be finalised by Midsummer.
“The teaching premises are sufficient to create a good schedule, which is of course very positive,” says Björn Friberg, project manager for the new scheduling solution. “It is also encouraging that the schedule will be more regular than before for most, and that new courses will no longer be disadvantaged in terms of premises.”
There is a high demand for large computer labs. This need may partly be met by introducing a new virtual platform in the student computer labs.
To develop the new schedule, current courses and available premises have been matched and prioritised according to established principles. The overall approach is to combine the right type of premises with the right type of activity for each student group – ideally concentrated in a geographical area on campus to avoid long moves in a short time. In short, a colossal puzzle.
“The results look very promising, and it is good news that the teaching premises are sufficient to get functioning schedules for our students and teachers this autumn,” says Jörgen Blennow, Vice President for Education.
Read more:
A unified campus at Johanneberg
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- Vice President, Education