Chalmers leads EU-initiative on future medicines

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Illustration of DNA-helix
Fredrik Westerlund and Marcus Wilhelmsson.

RNA-based drugs hold immense potential and are of great interest to both society and the pharmaceutical industry. However, to tackle the current challenges, there is a need for increased knowledge about RNA. Techniques that analyze RNA molecules individually can enhance our understanding of their fundamental properties, potentially accelerating drug development. EU is now funding a project coordinated by Chalmers University of Technology to train PhD students with specialized expertise in this research area.

The EU project, named MeChaNiSM, has been granted 4.1 million euros to train fifteen PhD students at eight European universities focusing on characterizing nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) through single-molecule analysis. The project also involves four industrial partners, including AstraZeneca R&D Gothenburg, who play a crucial role in the initiative.

"Three out of fifteen PhD students will be based here at Chalmers. We are incredibly proud of this, and of the opportunity to coordinate the project from Sweden and Chalmers. The funding from the EU shows that our research area is relevant and that we have the right expertise to train the future developers of RNA-based drugs," says Fredrik Westerlund, the project coordinator and a Professor of Chemical Biology at Chalmers.

"Having companies in the project is an advantage"

MeChaNiSM will focus on three complementary areas: the synthesis and modification of RNA and DNA, studies using optical tweezers, and computer simulations and analysis. Each PhD student will develop specialized skills at their host university, but the training will also include two secondments, either with an academic partner or an industrial partner, to broaden their expertise.

“Having companies who believe in the research field involved in the project is a great advantage. We will be able to offer industry representatives as mentors, and some PhD students will have the opportunity to work at these companies for periods of time,” says Marcus Wilhelmsson, Professor of Physical Chemistry at Chalmers, who is also a research leader in the project and will provide coordination support.

"It can be beneficial to experience the differences in working methods between industry and academia. Moreover, the companies are looking to recruit the right talent after a completed training, which is good for PhD students who may not wish to pursue an academic career," he adds.

A focus on studies using optical tweezers 

Both Fredrik Westerlund’s and Marcus Wilhelmsson’s research groups, which already collaborate closely, will be strengthened by the addition of PhD students through this project. At Chalmers, the project will focus on studies using optical tweezers, a method in which both groups have extensive experience. This technique involves using a focused laser to capture and stretch individual biomolecules, such as DNA or RNA, to study them one by one. It can provide more specific information compared to other methods that measure in bulk, with many molecules present.

"Sometimes it’s crucial to know the status of a single protein performing a specific function in a cell. Even if it works correctly in most cases, it can be critical for cells if it fails five percent of the time, and we need to understand what might go wrong. This is one reason why single-molecule analysis can play a significant role," says Fredrik Westerlund.

Marcus Wilhelmsson’s research group is developing molecules that can replace the natural building blocks of DNA and RNA molecules. When substituted, the properties of these molecules change in a controlled way, leading to interesting alterations in the structure and dynamics of DNA or RNA. This can be studied using techniques like optical tweezers, providing new insights into DNA and RNA, which are important for the development of new RNA-based drugs.

The methods have been used to study the Coronavirus

Together, the two Chalmers groups have previously used the methods now in focus of the MeChaNiSM project to investigate, among other things, the Coronavirus’ strategies for recognizing its own RNA. The virus’ RNA molecules and proteins are produced inside infected human cells by the human cell’s own machinery. When new virus particles are formed and packed with RNA molecules, the virus must distinguish between viral RNA and human RNA.

The researchers hypothesized that the shape, rather than the sequence, of the virus’s RNA influences how it is packaged. By inserting modified bases into RNA sequences important for how the virus is packaged, they gained a better understanding of dynamics of the process.

Contributes to the next generation of experts

In addition to the research conducted specifically at Chalmers, the project will lead to many experienced researchers visiting the university over the coming years. In summary, MeChaNiSM, will significantly contribute to the research on new gene-based drugs while simultaneously train the next generation of experts to further advance the research frontier.


More about MeChaNiSM

  • Three-year project granted 4,1 million euros.
  • The project involves mobility for the PhD students through exchanges between partners, conferences and industry involvement.
  • Participating universities: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands, Dublin City Univeristy, Ireland, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, Katholieka Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, and Universität zu Köln, Germany.
  • Industry partners: AstraZeneca R&D Gothenburg, Sweden, LUMICKS, Netherlands, National Institute for Bioprocessing Research, Ireland and Nanotemper Technologies, Germany. 


More about the Chalmers researchers in the project



Fredrik Westerlund
  • Full Professor, Chemical Biology, Life Sciences
Marcus Wilhelmsson
  • Full Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering


Susanne Nilsson Lindh