Johanneberg will be the campus for Foundation year students

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Campus Johanneberg

From this autumn, students on the preparatory Foundation year at Chalmers University of Technology will study on campus Johanneberg. This means that the entire programme will be held at the same campus.

Until now, campus Lindholmen has been the home base for students studying the Foundation year, including the campus-located parts of the Distance-based Foundation year. The exception is the chemistry course, which has always been held at Johanneberg. In the future, teaching will be carried out on campus Johanneberg throughout the Foundation year. This makes the programme more geographically cohesive.

“I see it as beneficial for students to be on the same campus in a shared study environment,” says Jonny Lindström, Head of Programme. “The teachers are already based on campus Johanneberg, so there are also advantages for the teaching staff.”

Important part of a unified campus

Chalmers is currently planning to consolidate its undergraduate programmes onto a single campus by the autumn of 2025. Investigations within the project “A unified campus” now show that it is feasible to move the Foundation year and the campus-located parts of the Distance-based Foundation year to Johanneberg already this year. This relocation affects approximately 400 study places, making the Foundation year a precursor for upcoming moves.

“It is very positive that all pieces are now falling into place for the Foundation year, and that the relocation can even take place a year ahead of the original timetable,” says Fredrik Nilsson, Vice President of Campus and Sustainable Development and project owner of the campus project. For the campus move as a whole, it is an advantage to get this part in place as early as possible.”

Read more about the project - A unified campus at Johanneberg

Fredrik Nilsson
  • Vice President, Campus development


Yvonne Jonsson