WiTECH, Wireless Infrastructure Technology at Chalmers, receives 36 million SEK from Vinnova in areas that are important for a sustainable industry and digital social transformation.
The newly established WiTECH competence centre, hosted by the Department of Electrical Engineering (E2) in close collaboration with the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), intends to be a key player in creating a sustainable future by:
- Developing next generation of robust and trustworthy wireless communication and sensor systems (e.g., the sixth-generation wireless telecommunication 6G); and
- Sustainable, energy-efficient semi-conductor components and processes.

“We have successfully navigated a competitive landscape and are very happy with the outcome. The WiTECH consortium and Chalmers as host have been chosen because of our proven track record, top-level researchers, and world-class research infrastructures. We believe in fostering strong and mutually beneficial collaborations with industry leaders, where all parties contribute their expertise and resources to achieve common goals,” says Marianna Ivashina, Director of WiTECH.
According to Marianna Ivashina, Sweden needs to make rapid changes within the entire wireless communication and sensing sector due to dynamic geopolitical shifts and societal challenges.
Through four areas, WiTECH will meet the needs:
- Digital signal processing techniques for future convergence of wireless infrastructure services (i.e., communication, localization, and sensing) and global service coverage to enable efficient resource sharing and bridging the digital divide.
- Agile, sustainable, and energy-efficient wireless hardware solutions, enabling utilization of new data, and reducing environmental impact.
- Reliable semiconductor component design processes and autonomous test methods for trustworthy system designs and increased production efficiency.
- Unified eco-system that provides alignment based on the centre mission and facilitates collaborative environment.
The WiTECH centre has great ideas and it’s time to realise them.
“We aim to establish a platform for close collaboration between centre partners by engaging them in multiple research projects, education activities, and cross-centre experimental demonstrators. We will leverage the centre's multi disciplinarity, strong collaboration experience, and technical leadership in the European 6G and semiconductor agenda to create an internationally attractive and competitive environment.
With Gothenburg hosting European Microwave Week 2028, WiTECH will use this unique opportunity to highlight its initiatives, including centre demonstrators, and shape collaborations with new partners.
“Long term, we want to expand demonstration of our research results to real-life communication and sensing environments. We have an idea of installing a 5G+/6G wireless infrastructure at RISE and/or Veoneer’s site in Vårgårda and integrate objects from partners, for instance mobile base stations, users, cars, unmanned aerial vehicles, and satellite networks to demonstrate convergence of wireless services.”
The participating partners (18 in total) cover all the critical parts of the wireless infrastructure value chain, including manufacturers of semiconductor chips, devices, and antennas/sensors to (sub-)system integrators, and system test suppliers.
WiTECH builds on the legacy of the previous centres in wireless technologies, GigaHertz and ChaseOn, which Chalmers hosted during 2008-2021. By merging these large scientific communities into a joint consortium, WiTECH is well-equipped to tackle technological challenges and address societal needs more effectively.
“The granted funding of WiTECH is a result of joint efforts of many researchers at Chalmers and industry partners. I am honoured to be given the opportunity to lead this centre and look forward to the exciting journey”, concludes Marianna Ivashina.
For more information, contact:
The proposed Director of WiTECH Centre

- Head of Unit, Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks, Electrical Engineering
The proposed co-Director of WiTECH Centre

- Full Professor, Microwave Electronics, Microtechnology and Nanoscience