Continued highest reputation among Swedish higher education institutions

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The Chalmers portal and people moving on campus.
Chalmers tops this year's reputation index for Swedish higher education institutions.

For the eleventh year in a row, Chalmers tops this year's reputation index for Swedish higher education institutions, conducted by Kantar Public. In second and third place respectively are Lund University and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

With a reputation index of 89, Chalmers is thus still well above the average for Swedish higher education institutions (62).

Chalmers also increases by three units compared to 2022 and almost reaches the top level of 90 from 2018.

It is in the 18-29 age group that Chalmers increases its reputation the most. Here, the index increases by ten points compared to 2022. Otherwise, there are small differences in reputation between different groups. Women and men, for example, are on the same level.

The three characteristics that have the greatest positive impact are Chalmers’ general success, that the students have use of the education and that the research is successful.
The biggest change among Swedish higher education institutions is made by Karolinska Institutet, which increases its index by ten points.

The annual survey is aimed at a random sample of people aged 18–79 years. According to Kantar Public, the basis for a good reputation is a well-functioning business and a good ability to communicate the success and benefits of the business.

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