In the autumn term of 2025, about 1,000 additional students will begin their Chalmers studies at Johanneberg, instead of at Lindholmen.
In 2023, Chalmers decided to gradually move almost all its operations from Lindholmen and gather students and staff at campus Johanneberg. This decision was made in consultation with the student union and staff organisations.
The relocation will involve, among other things, renovated premises, new lecture halls, and refreshed campus environments. In total, approximately 2,000 educational places and 200 employees are planned to move from Lindholmen to Johanneberg by 2029.
Strengthening Chalmers as a campus university
“On campus, we aim to offer students and employees excellent study and work environments in good and functional facilities. This will also strengthen Chalmers as an academically forward-looking campus university,” says Jörgen Blennow, Vice President for Education.
“The project is progressing very well, and we are on schedule and within budget,” says Fredrik Nilsson, Vice President for Campus Development.
“We are in the midst of planning and design work and have just begun implementation. It is now becoming noticeable in some areas around campus Johanneberg that preparations and activities are underway.”
A campus for all employees and students
The project affects both employees and students. A unified campus will naturally impact those who will be moving from Lindholmen to Johanneberg in the coming years, but also generally everyone on campus as the number of people there will increase or, as is the case for Lindholmen, decrease.
“Naturally, there are many questions and perhaps some concerns before knowing exactly how daily life will function with teaching facilities and scheduling,” says Fredrik Nilsson. “We fully understand this in the project, and our ambition is to be accessible and actively reach out to the groups that need to be informed and involved in what is going on.”
The move takes place gradually to 2029
An important first step was taken in 2024 when students in the Foundation year programme began their studies at Johanneberg. A major wave of relocations is expected in 2025 when most undergraduate programmes will move. A final step is planned for 2029. Then master’s programmes currently at Lindholmen and activities related to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering will also be relocated to Johanneberg.
Chalmers’ maritime education will remain at Lindholmen, where maritime infrastructure such as simulators and equipment for training is located. The organisation of maritime education is being investigated and a recommendation is expected by 1 March 2025.
Preparations for new educational facilities
In the southern parts of campus Johanneberg, work is now in full swing to open brand new learning environments and teaching facilities of approximately 4,000 square meters in the building where Chalmers Teknikpark was previously located. Demolition and dismantling are currently underway this autumn.
At Johanneberg, Kemigården will become a new hub for students as the entrance floors of surrounding buildings are renovated. Construction is planned to start in 2025.
Planning is also underway for section rooms and more study places around the campus. The student environment at Lindholmen and the students who will continue to be based there in the coming years are also a focus of the project.
Follow the project: A unified campus at Johanneberg
Contact persons

- Vice President, Campus development

- Vice President, Education