
Programmet kommer att inkludera olika teman: Insights by light, Smallest Constituents of life, Life as a scientist, Looking at life, Healthy life och Looking for Life. Varje tema kommer att följas av en 30-minuters frågestund där gymnasieelever får chansen att ställa frågor. Mer information om programmet kommer att publiceras senare.

Måndag 2 December

Insight by light - Advanced measurements and simulations of electron behavior enlighten our understanding of nature at the smallest level.   

Anne L'Huillier - Attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics 

Eberhard K. U. Gross - Electrons dancing to the rhythm of light, visualized by computer simulations  

Smallest constituents of life - Enigmatic driving forces or when noise is put to work

Steven Chu - Molecular motors and the laws of physics at the nanoscale  

Life as a scientist – From the lab to the Nobel prize; the importance of a scientific approach and creative thinking. 

Emma Frans - How to think like a scientist 

Looking at life - From photochemistry to genome understanding.

Richard Zare - Casting a New Light on Nonlife to Life

Xiaowei Zhuang - Illuminate life at the nanoscale and genome scale by imaging  

Tisdag 3 December 

Healthy Life - Unraveling Molecular Insights for Personalized Precision Medicine through Nanomedicine Innovations

Angela Grommet  - Design of molecular boxes as artificial receptors and enzymes

Kristina Friis - Mimicking Nature - Creating Next Generation Therapeutics

Samir El-Andaloussi - New delivery tools for gene editors inspired by similarities between viruses and intracellular communication vehicles 

Margaret Holme – Using X-rays and neutrons to look inside gene editing nanoscale carriers


Looking for Life - How did life begin, and can we find signatures of life beyond Earth?  

Morgan Cable - Ocean Worlds: Searching for Evidence of Life in our Cosmic Backyard  

Lee Cronin - Assembly Theory and the Emergence of Life Through Chemistry 

Scientific committee 

Per Hyldgaard  

Fredrik Höök 

Bengt Nordén 

Martin Rahm 

Janine Splettstößer 

Marcus Wilhelmsson