Om kursen
The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the processes that determine
the structure and composition of the atmosphere, including dynamical processes and
The course includes:
the structure and composition of the atmosphere, including dynamical processes and
- Describe the structure of the atmosphere from the ground to 120 km altitude and indicate the physical reasons for this structure
- Describe and compute the effect of the absorption of photons in the atmosphere for given conditions.
- Estimate wind directions and strengths given relevant maps of pressure or geopotential height
- Describe the most important chemical processes occurring in the stratosphere
The course includes:
- Basic introduction to atmospheric structure and composition
- Atmospheric dynamics
- Radiative processes in the atmosphere including the effects of photon absorption both on structure and composition
- Techniques for computation of radiative processes
- Atmospheric chemistry using stratospheric ozone as the prime example
- Discussion of the effects of anthropogenic change on the atmosphere.
Atmospheric Science -An introductory survey, J. M. Wallace and P. V. Hobbs Academic Press.
Michael Kahnert