Directed reading course on topics in communication and learning in science

Om kursen

The course is focused around a selection of literature relevant to the chosen course topic. The literature will vary for each instance of the course and is specified by the mentor. Participants should actively read and reflect on the selected literature, and apply their findings in (a) pre-defined writing assignment(s). For example, this could involve formulating a critical and concise literature review that highlights relevant and well-grounded research questions or hypotheses in the context of the participant’s Ph.D. project. In the process, participants conduct basic literature searches and use reference management software. Before each offering of the course, the examiner must approve the content.

The course is organized as a directed reading seminar in which the participant is guided by a given list of literature. In addition, the participant identifies supplementary reading to complete the literature review. The writing part of the course is conducted independently but should be supported by discussions addressing the participant’s approaches to the reading and writing. After submitting the written assignment, the seminar is concluded by a discussion of the submitted work; this discussion involves the student, the mentor and additional researchers (as appropriate).

Mer information

Hans Malmström, Btr. professor och Viceprefekt (forskning och forskarutbildning), Institutionen för Vetenskapens kommunikation och lärande,


Hans Malmström