Economic valuation of environmental change

Om kursen

Course description
Estimating the economic value of changes in the environment is an increasingly policy-relevant issue because of more interest from agencies such as the Swedish EPA and new requirements because of laws according to the EU Water Framework Directive. The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding and specific methods for how such valuation can and should be carried out. The course is a mixture of lectures by environmental economist Tore Söderqvist, seminars, and a project assignment. The students are encouraged to work on their own projects.

Mer information

Kontakta Lars Rosén,


Hanley, N., Barbier, E.B. 2009. Pricing Nature: Cost-Benefit Analysis and Environmental Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Cheltenham, UK. Söderqvist, T. 2010. Lecture notes.


Docent Tore Söderqvist, Enveco miljöekonomi AB Professor Lars Rosén, avdelningen för Geologi och geoteknik