Kappa kurs för doktorander på Arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik

Om kursen

The course consists of short lectures, groups work and discussion as well as peer reviews. The participants will be asked to work on the redaction of their own kappa and send two drafts according to their own progression as well as read, review, and discuss the production of others.

To qualify for this course, the kappa should be under development or review so the student should be close to the licentiate seminar or about one year before the PhD disputation.

Active participation in class and in peer review work. Delivery of feedback.
Completed first and second delivery of the written assignment.

How to apply: 
Send an email to Martine Buse and Krystyna Pietrzyk with the following information:

  • Your name
  • The research school you belong to
  • Your research area and methods - briefly described
  • If you intend to write your kappa for the licentiate or for the PhD thesis
  • Any other comments you would like to add... 
Dates for the Spring 2025:

1. Wednesday March 5th
2. Wednesday March 19th 
3. Wednesday April 9th 
4. Wednesday May 7th 

These are full-day sessions. 

Once you get close to the thesis defense date, the partificipants of the course can book a lunch session outside of the course schedule to present their kappa and get feedback. 

Mer information

buser@chalmers.se; krystyna.pietrzyk@chalmers.se


To be given.


Martine Buser, Krystyna Pietrzyk