The graduate school in Nuclear Engineering aims to provide basic knowledge about the operation of nuclear energy-producing systems. The education is based on research with high relevance for both industry and academia.
As a doctoral student in nuclear engineering, your research will strive to maintain a high level of availability and safety for both the current reactors and those that will be developed in the future. The education consists of various research topics and disciplines. Read more in the study plan.
The graduate school is organised within the Department of Physics.
Established by the Vice President on 2010-05-10, reference number C2010/457.
Last revised on 2021-06-23, reference number F2021-0112.
This syllabus applies to doctoral students admitted as of 2021-08-01.
Regarding older syllabus, please contact the first vice/vice head of department.
Transitional regulations:
A doctoral student admitted to an older syllabus may earn a degree in accordance with this, provided that the current Appointment regulation for doctoral programmes and current Local Qualifications Framework – third cycle qualifications are followed.
Doctoral students admitted to an older syllabus of graduate school Nuclear Engineering can, however, change to the current syllabus by an application to the Deputy/Vice Head of Department. The change must be documented in the individual study plan.
The graduate school is regulated by the Appointment regulation for doctoral programmes and the Local Qualifications Framework for Chalmers University of Technology – third cycle qualifications and is described in the syllabus for the graduate school. In the event of any conflict between the documents, the Appointment regulation for doctoral programmes and the Local Qualifications Framework for Chalmers University of Technology – third cycle qualifications are governing. For the most recent version of all regulatory documents referenced in this syllabus, see Chalmers’s internal website.