Technological progress is important for our world, but ensuring that it is translated into products and services that benefit humanity is at least as important.
In the research subject Human-Technology-Design, the goal is to develop knowledge about the relationship between human beings and technical products/systems. As a doctoral student, you will also develop methods and tools for studying the relationship between humans and technical products and systems. By doing a doctorate in human-technology-design, you will learn to support the design process in designing and evaluating sustainable and safe products, services, and workplaces. Read more in the study plan.
The graduate school is common to the Department of Industrial and Materials Science and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Established by the First Vice President on 2005-05-17, registration number C 2005-604.
Last revised on 2024-11-05, registration number IMS 2024-0282 - 3
This syllabus applies to doctoral students admitted as of 2024-12-01.
Transitional regulations:
A doctoral student admitted to an older syllabus may earn a degree in accordance with this, provided that the current Appointment regulation for doctoral programmes and current Local Qualifications Framework – third cycle qualifications are followed.
Doctoral students admitted to an older syllabus of graduate school Human-Technology-Design can, however, change to the current syllabus by an application to the Deputy/Vice Head of Department. The change must be documented in the individual study plan.
The graduate school is regulated by the Appointment regulation for doctoral programmes and the Local Qualifications Framework for Chalmers University of Technology - third cycle qualifications and is described in the syllabus for the graduate school. In the event of any conflict between the documents, the Appointment regulation for doctoral programmes and the Local Qualifications Framework for Chalmers University of Technology - third cycle qualifications are governing. For the most recent version of all regulatory documents referenced in this syllabus, see Chalmers’s internal website.