The Gothenburg Research School of Health Engineering (GRSHE) is a joint graduate school for PhD students at Chalmers University of Technology, the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The graduate school started in 2020 with the aim of meeting society's health challenges as well as future needs of healthcare. GRSHE educates PhD students at the intersection of health, healthcare, and technology, with a focus on finding solutions to specific health and medical problems. The doctoral students and their supervisors at Chalmers, the University of Gothenburg, and the hospital, collaborate on joint projects, thereby tackling well-defined health or medical problems from several angles in order to develop solutions in an effective and innovative way.
Collaborative platform between universities, healthcare, and industry
Cooperation between expertise in health, medicine, and technology is necessary to be able to implement new technical solutions – for example artificial intelligence, medtech innovations, system changes and new technology for diagnostics and treatment – or to find effective measures for preventing the onset of disease or ill health. The graduate school functions as a collaborative platform between universities, healthcare, and industry, where different competencies meet.
Educates on the border between health and engineering
The primary purpose of the graduate school is to train new types of researchers and experts with proficiency in health, medicine, and technology. Students entering the graduate school at Chalmers will gain unique and extensive knowledge of health and medicine, the healthcare environment, and how to drive innovation within the healthcare organization. In addition to their professional education, the PhD students in the graduate school at Sahlgrenska Academy/University of Gothenburg will gain a unique technical competence with the opportunity to meet today’s and tomorrow’s technical challenges in healthcare.
With knowledge from different disciplines, the new future experts will be able to identify and address health challenges and specific issues in healthcare that require advanced technical solutions. At the same time, the graduate school already today initiates research projects for the benefit of society and healthcare.
Increased contact areas give added value
The education within the graduate school consists of courses and research work. In addition to this, the PhD students will participate in international and national conferences and meetings, where they can discuss and display their research. They will also be given the opportunity to go on longer research stays at other universities.
Apart from broadening their knowledge, in an area where the doctoral students has limited experience, participation in the graduate school will also provide the students with a new network. There, they will be able to discuss their research with other doctoral students, who also work in the intersection between health and technology.
Expert seminars and specialist courses open to all
In addition to PhD courses, the graduate school will also arrange expert seminars and short specialist courses led by national and international experts. All of the seminars and courses will be made available to students outside the graduate school as well as people in industry, innovation platforms, university hospitals and the likes. This openness creates an environment for networking and new collaborations.
Led by a steering group
The graduate school is led by a steering group consisting of representatives from Chalmers Health Engineering Area of Advance, the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, and the Region Västra Götaland.
The graduate school is organized and administered by two coordinators: Malin Barman at Chalmers and Jörg Hanrieder at University of Gothenburg.