In the graduate school of Electrical Engineering, you will be part of the major changes that the whole society is facing - the rapidly growing automation, digitalization and electrification. To manage these challenges, it is important to constantly update and develop knowledge in the area.
When you doctorate in Electrical Engineering, you contribute to creating a sustainable future, by developing new theories, models, materials, and components in the area of electrical engineering. You will also develop knowledge in efficient and optimal use of future technical system solutions design.
You can also choose to focus on specific specializations in the field of Electrical engineering. After your degree, you are well prepared for the challenges that Electrical Engineering will face in the future.
The graduate school is organised within the Department of Electrical Engineering
Established by the First Vice President on 2021-04-01, registration number C 2021-0281.
This syllabus applies to doctoral students admitted as of 2021-04-01.
Regarding older syllabus, please contact the first vice/vice head of department.
Transitional regulations:
Doctoral students admitted to the syllabus of graduate school Signals and systems as from 2013-10-11 can at own request change to the current syllabus by notifying the Vice Head of Department for doctoral programmes at the department Electrical engineering. The change must be documented in the individual study plan.
The graduate school is regulated by the Appointment regulation for doctoral programmes and the Local Qualifications Framework for Chalmers University of Technology - third cycle qualifications and is described in the syllabus for the graduate school. In the event of any conflict between the documents, the Appointment regulation for doctoral programmes and the Local Qualifications Framework for Chalmers University of Technology – third cycle qualifications are governing. For the most recent version of all regulatory documents referenced in this syllabus, see Chalmers’s internal website.