Modelling of nuclear reactors

About the course

  • Transport phenomena in nuclear reactors (nuclear reactors as multi-physics and multi-scale systems, neutron transport, heat transfer, overview of the modelling strategies).
  • Neutron transport: cell and assembly calculations (energy discretisation, resonance absorption, multigroup calculations, one-dimensional micro-group pin cell calculations, two-dimensional macro-group lattice calculations, criticality spectrum calculations, cross-section homogenization and condensation, depletion calculations, cross-section preparation for core calculations).
  • Neutron transport: core calculations (treatment of the angular dependence, treatment of the spatial dependence, determination of the steady-state core-wise solution, determination of the non steady-state core-wise solution).
  • One-/two-phase flow transport and heat transfer (tools required for flow transport modelling, derivation of the space- and time-averaged conservation equations for flow transport, flow models, spatial and temporal discretisations of the flow models, modelling of heat conduction).

More information

Contact Prof. Christophe Demazière by email at


Lecture notes (i.e. compendium) and lecture slides will be provided to the students. Optional complementary reading:

G. I. Bell and S. Glasstone, Nuclear reactor theory. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, USA, 1970
S. Nakamura, Computational methods in engineering science with applications to fluid dynamics and nuclear systems. Wiley Interscience, New York, USA, 1977
W. M. Stacey, Nuclear reactor physics. Wiley Interscience, New York, USA, 2001
R.J. J. Stammler and M. J. Abbate, Methods of steady-state reactor physics in nuclear design. Academic Press, London, England, 1983
N. E. Todreas and M. S. Kazimi, Nuclear systems I: Thermal hydraulic fundamentals. Taylor and Francis, Levittown, USA, 1993
N.E. Todreas and M. S. Kazimi, Nuclear systems II: Elements of thermal hydraulic design. Taylor and Francis, Levittown, USA, 2001.


Prof. Christophe Demazière