Contact Onsala Space Observatory

Image 1 of 1
Aerial view of Onsala site (Credit: Chalmers/Magnus Falck)
Aerial view of Onsala site (Credit: Chalmers/Magnus Falck)

Contact information for employees and information for visitors to the observatory.

Address and phone


031-772 5500 (Observatory's general number)
031-772 1000 (Chalmers switchboard)
Direct dial: 031-772 + extension


Onsala Space Observatory
SE-439 92 Onsala

Group for Advanced Receiver Development (GARD):

Chalmers University of Technology
Group for Advanced Receiver Development
SE-412 96 Gothenburg

Visiting address

Onsala Space Observatory
Observatorievägen 90, Råö
Onsala, Sweden

Group for Advanced Receiver Development (GARD):

Chalmers Campus Johanneberg
Kemivägen 9 ("MC2-house")
Gothenburg, Sweden

Offices at Space, Earth and Environment (Chalmers campus Johanneberg)

Teachers, astronomers and PhD students sometimes work from Campus Johanneberg, EDIT-building floor 3 and 4.

Invoicing address

Chalmers University of Technology
Invoice Service
SE-412 96 Gothenburg

Please state on the invoice the name of your reference person at Onsala Space Observatory as well as the cost centre.

Corporate Identity no: 556479-5598
VAT No: SE556479-559801

Staff contact information

The links below are to critical contact people. For full staff lists, please see the staff lists for each of the observatory's units as listed on the Onsala Space Observatory Division page:

Support contacts

Group for advanced receiver development (GARD)

Electronics laboratory, computers/networks, mechanical workshop

Visitor information​

Information for visitors to Onsala Space Observatory (see links in left column).

Please note that it is forbidden to use mobile telephones and other radio transmitters in the observatory area, due to radio interference problems. Please turn off your mobile phone when you enter the observatory area.​​

Site map Onsala Space Observatory
Site map Onsala Space Observatory