About Onsala Space Observatory

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Onsala Space Observatory from the air
Onsala Space Observatory from the air. Credit: Chalmers/Magnus Falck

Onsala Space Observatory (OSO), the Swedish National Infrastructure for Radio Astronomy, provides scientists with equipment to study the Earth and the rest of the Universe. We operate several radio telescopes in Onsala, 45 km south of Göteborg, and take part in international projects. The observatory is a geodetic fundamental station. Examples of facilities and activities:


Onsala Space Observatory is hosted by Department of Space, Earth and Environment at Chalmers University of Technology, and is operated on behalf of the Swedish Research Council​. The observatory was founded in 1949 by professor Olof Rydbeck.


John Conway
Email: john.conway@chalmers.se, Phone: +46 31-772 5503

Deputy director
Wouter Vlemmings
Email: wouter.vlemmings@chalmers.se, Phone: 031-772 6354

Head of division
Vincent Desmaris
Email: vincent.desmaris@chalmers.se, Phone: 031-772 1846


Head of Administration at Department of Space, Earth and Environment: Camilla Kolm
Email: camilla.kolm@chalmers.se, Phone: +46 31-772 1241

Press contact, communications officer:

Robert Cumming
Email: robert.cumming@chalmers.se, Phone: +46 31-772 5500, Mobile: +46 70-493 3114

Observational support

Head of unit: Michael Lindqvist
Email: michael.lindqvist@chalmers.se, Phone: +46 31-772 5508

Technical support group

Head of unit: ​Roger Hammargren
Email: roger.hammargren@chalmers.se, Phone: +46 31-772 5551

Steering committee

Jan-Eric Sundgren, chairman​
Daniella Thaller, Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Germany
Garrelt Mellema, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University
Olga Botner, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University
Per Erik Opseth, The Norwegian Mapping Authority, Norway
Michiel Pieter van Haarlem, ASTRON, the Netherlands

In addition, John Conway, director of Onsala Space Observatory, and Wouter Vlemmings, deputy director of Onsala Space Observatory, participat​e in the Steering Committee meetings. 

For postal address, visiting address, contact persons, etcetera, see the Contact web page.
For all personnel, see the Staff​ web page.

Visit the observatory

The observatory welcomes prebooked visits by school classes and other groups. Events for the general public are organised regularly. The observatory is otherwise not open to the general public. 


​For information about vacancies, see:
Vacancies at Chalmers University of Technolo​gy


​The Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) staff and instruments are involved in education at all levels from bachelor to graduate studies at Chalmers, and through organised schools. The regular university courses OSO is involved in are given by our host department Space, Earth and Environment at Chalmers. The department offers, together with other departments at Chalmers, two two-years master's programmes related to the activities at OSO:

  • Wireless, photonics and space engineering
  • Physics (includes astronomy; started academic year 2019/2020). Replaces earlier programme Physics and Astronomy.

The programmes are open to Swedish and international students, and are taught entirely in English.

Any summer schools etcetera for, e.g., PhD students are presented under Events.

More information about education can be found on Chalmers' web:

  • Education at Department of Space, Earth and Environment
  • Education at Chalmers
  • Master's studies at Chalmers
  • Master's programme in Physics
  • Master's programme in
  • Wireless, photonics and space engineering
  • Doctoral studies at Department of Space, Earth and Environment.
  • Chalmers Astronomy & Astrophysics PhD Program

SALSA-Onsala ("Such A Lovely Small Antenna") are 2.3 m diameter radio telescopes built at Onsala Space Observatory to introduce pupils, students and teachers to the marvels of radio astronomy. More information about SALSA.

Education at the Department of Space, Earth and Environment

Read more about degree courses and programs at Chalmers