Data Management Plans
Data management plans describe how research data will be managed throughout a research activity and what happens to the data after the research activity’s lifetime.
Research data management support
Chalmers Data Office is a support function tasked with supporting Chalmers researchers with managing their research data in an effective manner.
Data Storage
We provide scalable, secure storage solutions for active research projects and long-term data preservation. Our infrastructure supports the full research lifecycle, from real-time data access to archived datasets.
Publish and cite research data
Publishing research data involves describing it and, if possible, making it openly accessible. In return this makes data easier to find, cite and share with others, and guarantees that data are preserved beyond the research project’s lifetime. DAta can be shared via a data repository, where a copy of the data is preserved and made findable and accessible.
Sensitive Data
We ensure the security and compliance of sensitive research data by offering tailored hosting environments and data management solutions. All services align with GDPR and other legal requirements.
Training in Research Data Management
Research data management (RDM) needs differ between research groups, projects and departments.Chalmers offers bespoke workshops and seminars in RDM based on relevant needs and knowledge.