The D8 Discover is a new, state-of-the-art powder diffractometer from Bruker. It allows for automatic sample switching of reflection and transmission samples, and thin films. We can measure using a Cu and Mo source, and the system is equipped with a large area detector to facilitate PDF studies, fast in-situ experiments and texture analysis.
Instrument data
Cu and Mo tube X-ray source (switchable point and line focus)
Theta-Theta configuration
Dectris Eiger R 500K detector
Available optics: parallel beam Göbel mirror for Cu, focusing Göbel mirror for Mo
DaVinci concept for easy swapping of components
Eulerian cradle with xy stage for stress measurements and thin film studies
Sample changer for up to 90 samples
Motorized anti-scatter screen
Laser positioning system
TOPAS, LEPTOS, TEXTURE and EVA software for data analysis and fitting
In-situ cells:
- MRI HT heating/cooling cell (-150°C – 1500°C in two configurations)
- Anton Paar XRK 900 (up to 900°C and 10bar)
Contact person

Michal Strach
- Senior Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics