The D8 Advance from Bruker is reliable, multi-purpose setup for high quality XRD measurements. The setup is equipped with a Cu X-ray source and a Lynx-eye energy dispersive detector, which can work in 0D and 1D modes, depending on the application.
Instrument data
- Cu X-ray tube source 1.54Å
- Theta-2Theta configuration (stationary X-ray tube)
- First gen Lynx-eye PSD detector
- Available optics: Cu K-1 Johansson monochromator, Göbel mirror for parallel beam
- Measurement modes:
- Bragg Brentano para-focusing
- Grazing incidence with parallel beam
- Focusing beam in transmission (capillary and film sample holders) - Motorized slits for variable sample illumination
- Air scattering knife
- Capillary sample holder
- In-situ cells:
- MRI HT heating/cooling cell (-150°C – 1500°C in two configurations)
- Anton Paar XRK 900 (up to 900°C and 10bar) - EVA software with PDF+ 2020 database for pattern matching and data analysis
Contact person

Michal Strach
- Senior Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics