The FEI Versa3D LoVac DualBeam integrates a field emission SEM with a FIB. The SEM unit is equipped with detectors for secondary and backscattered electron imaging. The ion column uses a Ga liquid ion metal source (LMIS) and a set of electrostatic lenses for bombarding the target material with a focused ion-beam for material removal or deposition. The instrument is also equipped with a Gas Injection System (GIS) for deposition of Pt and an Omniprobe for TEM thin foil extraction.
The Versa has three different vacuum modes; high vacuum, low vacuum and ESEM, to deal with different type of samples. The two latter modes facilitate imaging at pressures ranging from 0.1 to 20 torr. A wetSTEM detector makes it possible to study electron transparent wet samples. FIB imaging and milling is only permitted in the high vacuum mode, though.
Instrument data
- Ga ion source
- Operating voltage: 500 V - 30 kV
- Currents: 1.1 pA – 65 nA
- Field emission gun,
- Operating voltage: 500 V - 30 kV
Contact persons

- Senior Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics

- Senior Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics