Contact the lab staff directly if you have an interest in using an instrument.
- Electron microscopy: Stefan Gustafsson and Ludvig de Knoop
- Optical microscopy and APT: Katarina Logg
- TOF-SIMS: Elias Ranjbari
- X-ray diffraction: Michal Strach
Visitor address
Fysikgränd 3, Göteborg
We are located on the 4th floor of Forskarhus Fysik on Chalmers campus Johanneberg.
See our location via this Google maps link
Postal address
Chalmers tekniska högskola
Department of Physics
Fysikgränd 3
412 96 Göteborg

Per-Anders Carlsson
- Full Professor, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Lab staff

Stefan Gustafsson
- Senior Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics

Katarina Logg
- Senior Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics

Ludvig de Knoop
- Senior Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics

Michal Strach
- Senior Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics

Elias Ranjbari
- Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics