In case of imminent danger to life, property or the environment, call 112 to request ambulance, police, fire & rescue service, Swedish Poisons Information Centre, or the on-call doctor. Then inform Chalmers on the emergency number – 031-772 4488. When a security guard is urgently needed, call the Chalmers’ on-call security guard – 031-772 4499.
If an accident has occurred your priorities are as follows:
Always put personal safety first when an accident has occurred.
- Save people in immediate danger
- Warn others
- Raise the alarm. Call 112
- Extinguish fires or deal with emissions of substances, if it is possible to do so without taking unreasonable risks. In the event of a chemical spill, cordon off the affected area/corridor/lab.
- Evacuate the premises, close the doors, and direct people to the building’s assembly point, which is always outdoors.
- Inform Chalmers on the emergency number - 031 772 4488
Form a quick overview of the situation
112 (and Chalmers) will ask, among other things, for the following details:
- What is your name?
- Where are you calling from?
- What has happened?
- How many people are affected?
- Is anyone injured?
- Is anyone still in the affected area?
- Have you identified any specific hazards/risks?
Heart starters on campus
There are several automated external defibrillators (AED) across our campuses. These are listed in the Swedish heart starter register.
When help arrives
- Meet the fire & rescue service outside the entrance where the fire alarm panel is situated (which is often at the building’s main entrance) if nothing else has been agreed on the phone. The fire & rescue service response time to Chalmers Johanneberg/Lindholmen is approximately 10–15 minutes.
- Lead them to the incident/accident site.
- When the fire & rescue service are on scene the Incident Commander will take control of the emergency response.
- It is the Incident Commander who makes the decision as to when there is no longer a risk involved in returning to the premises.