This service aims to provide an overview of your degree requirements and an estimation of how close you are to fulfilling them. However, the final decision regarding the fulfilment of the degree requirements is made by the Degree's office when you apply for your degree.
• A requirement for a Master’s degree is a completed Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. This service will only show a Bachelor’s degree from Chalmers.
• Only complete courses are counted towards your degree requirements in MEX. Submodules of a course, such as labs or projects, are thus not included until the whole course is complete.
• The browser Internet Explorer is not supported.
• The service was developed for programmes initiated by the academic year 2011/2012 or later.
Location of courses in degree certificate
When you apply for your degree certificate, the specific program under which courses are registered is not of importance. In the assessment of your application, all the courses that you have completed at Chalmers as well as credits transferred are taken into account.
Here you can find answers to common questions regarding degrees.
Credit transfer for entire course
Application for transferring credits for an entire course is done in this service. Read more about credit transfers here.
This service is new and still undergoing development. If you encounter any technical issues, please let us know through the form in MEX. For questions about your degree requirements, contact your Director of Studies.