Rights and obligations

As a student at Chalmers, you must comply with laws and rules. These apply not only when you attend classes or take exams, but also to how you treat other students and staff. You also have many rights, including the possibility to exert influence on the study environment and to appeal against certain decisions. 

If you are a doctoral student, some different rules apply. You can find them on the intranet.

What governs your rights and obligations?

Chalmers is owned by a foundation and is not subject to all aspects of the laws governing education at a higher education institution or university. Therefore, there are also an appointment regulation for first cycle and second cycle education that describe Chalmers’ general rules.

The rules of procedure also describe the decisions that may be appealed against if a student feels that the established rules are not being followed or if they feel they are being treated unfairly. In these cases, a complaint must be sent to the records manager of the university no later than three weeks after the decision was communicated.

Some of the most important rules

Claiming your place

To take up your place, you need to meet a number of conditions. Among other things, you need to earn a certain number of higher education credits during your first semester. You can find all the information on the conditions you need to meet on the page ‘The Regulation for claiming your Study place ’.

Compulsory membership of Chalmers Student Union

It is compulsory to be a member of Chalmers Student Union to take part in teaching, take exams and have access to premises. This applies to all students admitted to programmes or freestanding courses worth more than 7.5 higher education credits.

Honesty and integrity

You must demonstrate academic honesty and integrity in your studies. This means, among other things, that the use of other people’s knowledge in your own reasoning, references to sources and quotations from other people’s work must be done in a correct way.

Use of IT resources

All students must follow Chalmers’ rules for the use of IT resources that were accepted at the start of studies. For example, IT resources must not be used for the dissemination of information that is in breach of existing legislation.

Cheating and disciplinary matters

Cheating, disrupting teaching or using AI and chatbots in an unauthorised way may lead to disciplinary action resulting in a warning or suspension from further studies.

Cheating and disciplinary matters 

Use of AI systems, known as chatbots, in your studies

Study and working environment and student influence

At Chalmers, no student should be at risk of ill-health or injury on account of their study and working environment. Consequently, there are rules that include physical, organisational and social health and safety inspections. If you notice any shortcomings, please contact the section’s student safety representative (SAMO).

Preventive measures for a good study environment are also taken in the work to promote gender equality and equal treatment, and there are opportunities for students to resolve harassment and conflicts with the support of Chalmers’ impartial student ombuds.

As a student, you are also expected to contribute to a good study and working climate by complying with the points in Chalmers’ Code of Conduct.

Student influence is also exerted through the Chalmers Student Union, which is represented in Chalmers’ preparatory and decision-making bodies for education-related issues.

Student safety representative (Samo)


Guidande and support

Code of Conduct for students

Chalmers student union

Admission, eligibility and selection

The admission regulations include the university’s rules for admission to programmes and non-degree courses. They includes admission requirements, conditions for allocation of places, choice of Master’s programme for Chalmers students, priority after having completed a foundation year and deferral to the next academic year.

In addition to the admission regulations below, you can find more decision-making documents on the ‘Admission regulations for education’ page. You will also find information on the Master’s programmes required for an MSc in engineering or architecture (accredited programmes).

Student guidance counselling, educational support, health and insurance

At Chalmers, you can obtain study guidance and support if you are considering withdrawing from your studies, changing programmes or taking leave of absence. If you have a documented permanent disability, you can also receive educational support to facilitate your studies.

If you have health problems that may have been caused by your studies or other problems that affect your ability to study, you can contact the Chalmers Student Health Service. You can also contact a Chalmers counsellor or student chaplain to talk about your well-being and mental health. Remember that longer periods of illness must be reported to the Swedish social insurance agency so that it does not affect your CSN student grant.

Chalmers students are covered by accident insurance during teaching hours and during direct travel between their home and the place where the teaching hours are spent. There is also an insurance policy that applies abroad for traineeships, studies or ship-based education. For the rest of the time, you should take out your own accident insurance and home insurance.

Guidance and support

Chalmers counsellor

Student priest

Withdrawal from studies, transfer of Master's programme, leave of absence

Disability study support

Wellbeing during your studies

Insurance for students

Försäkringskassans web site

Course choices, programmes, examinations and degree projects

There are several decisions that govern the planning of programmes and their courses, how and when programme students have to make their course choices, and how they take exams and receive a grade.

Studies at another higher education institution and credit transfer

There are good opportunities to study part of a programme abroad, and Chalmers has agreements with hundreds of reputable universities around the world. The credits for courses you take during the exchange period can usually be transferred and used in your degree, which may mean that the study period is not extended.

In addition to studying abroad, you can also apply to transfer credits from other Swedish higher education institutions. The assessment of these courses involves comparing the knowledge and skills of the course taken with the learning outcomes of the Chalmers courses they are intended to replace.

Exchange studies and international opportunities

Transferring credits

Tuition fees

If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA or Switzerland, you must pay tuition fees to study at a higher education institution or university in Sweden.

Tuition fees

Degree and course certificates

You must apply for your degree yourself. When you apply, we will also check that you have paid your Union fees. Your application will be assessed against the requirements of Chalmers’ local system of qualifications. The degree requirements also include the programme overview and programme syllabuses, which show which courses you must have taken.

Shipping and maritime educational programmes may result in different certificates and course certificates. For the course packages Deck officer and engineer officer class VII and Deck Officer Class VII: Domestic Trade, the course requirements of the programme overview and programme syllabuses must be met.

Apply for the award of your degree

Degrees at Chalmers

Find course and programme syllabi